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Title: Economic and environmental effects of accelerated tariff liberalization in the forest products sector.
Author(s): Brooks, D.J.; Ferrante, J.A.; Haverkamp, J.; Bowles, I.; Lange, W.; Darr, D.
Date: 2001
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-517. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 70 p
Station ID: GTR-PNW-517
Description: This study assesses the incremental economic and environmental impacts resulting from changes in the timing and scope of forest products tariff reductions as proposed in the Accelerated Tariff Liberalization (ATL) initiative in forest products. This initiative was proposed for agreement among member countries of the World Trade Organization. The analysis of environmental effects focuses on possible changes in timber harvest, in the United States and worldwide, and rests directly on an analysis of the economic (trade, production, and consumption) effects of the initiative. The analysis is based on four sources of information: (1) simulation results using large-scale forest products sector and trade models, (2) literature describing analysis of the general effects of tariff and tariff reduction on trade, (3) literature that specifically addresses the role of tariffs and tariff changes on forest products trade, and (4) a review and assessment of information provided through public comments on the initiative. The ATL initiative likely will have no distinguishable impacts on aggregate U.S. timber harvest; the initiative is likely to modify the composition of products manufactured from timber harvested in the United States. United States consumption of most forest products is projected to change by less than 1 percent as a consequence of the ATL. At the world scale, the ATL is projected to increase aggregate world trade in forest products by a maximum of 2 percent.World timber harvest is projected to increase by about 0.5 percent because of the ATL, and aggregate world production and consumption of forest products are projected to increase by less than 1 percent.
Keywords: Trade, trade policy, ATL, forest products, supply and demand
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Brooks, D.J.; Ferrante, J.A.; Haverkamp, J.; Bowles, I.; Lange, W.; Darr, D.  2001.  Economic and environmental effects of accelerated tariff liberalization in the forest products sector..   Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-517. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 70 p

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 12, 2009

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