US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Forest fuel treatments in western North America: merging silvicultural and fire management.

Author: Johnson, Morris C.; Peterson, David L.

Date: 2005

Source: The Forestry Chronicle. 81(3): 365-368

Description: For many years silviculture and fire management have mostly been separate forestry disciplines with disparate objectives and activities. However, in order to accomplish complex and multiple management objectives related to forest structure, fuels, and fxe disturbance, these two disciplines must be effectively integrated in science and practice. We have linked scientific and management tools to develop an analytical approach that allows resource managers to quantify and evaluate the effectiveness of alternative fuel treatments in dry interior forests of western North America. The principal tool is the Fire and Fuels Extension of the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FFE-NS) for characterizing fuel succession and fire behaviour, and for quantifying and visualizing stand structure. FFE-NS provides a user-friendly framework that facilitates rapid evaluation of thinning and surface fuel treatments intended to reduce crown fire potential and fireline intensity. This approach quantifies fire hazard at small and large spatial scales, assists with treatment priorities and schedules, and generates stand and landscape visualizations that facilitate decisions about appropriate fuel treatments.

Keywords: fire behaviour, fire hazard, fuel treatments, silviculture

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Johnson, Morris C.; Peterson, David L.  2005.  Forest fuel treatments in western North America: merging silvicultural and fire management..   The Forestry Chronicle. 81(3): 365-368

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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