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Title: Managing interior Northwest rangelands: the Oregon Range Evaluation Project.
Author(s): Quigley, Thomas M.; Sanderson, H. Reed; Tiedemann, Arthur R.
Date: 1989
Source: Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-238. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 223 p
Station ID: GTR-PNW-238
Description: This report is a synthesis of results from an 11-year study of the effects of increasing intensities of range management strategies on herbage production, water resources, economics, and associated resources-such as wood fiber and recreation-in Grant County, Oregon. Four intensities of management were studied on Federal land (19 grazing allotments) ranging from no grazing to intensive management aimed at improving livestock distribution and forage production by applying cultural treatments. On private land (21 cooperating ranches), an additional strategy aimed at maximizing commodity production was tested. During the course of the project, more than 1000 range improvement practices were installed on 350,000 acres. Baseline herbage production information was developed for 51 resource units that comprise 10 major ecosystems. Effects of increasing intensities of management on herbage production were determined. The resultant increase in carrying capacity was determined, and the allocation-by ecosystem-of animal unit months within pastures was determined. The most intensive strategy on both Federal and private land was generally the economically optimal strategy. Effects of increasing intensity of management on water resources was tested only on Federal land. Baseline information on water yield and timing, storm runoff, pollution indicator bacteria, dissolved chemicals, and temperature was generated. Changes in the measured water parameters in response to increasing intensity of management were measured. The only parameter that could be related directly to increasing intensity of management and increased cattle use was bacterial quality. More than 100 publications and reports were developed. Predictive models for water yield, stream temperature, and animal unit months outputs were developed. A handbook on specifications for range improvement practices was produced, and costs of these practices were determined. Results provide state-of-the-art information for managing rangelands in the interior West, with understanding of the economic consequences and effects on related resources.
Keywords: range improvement, range management strategies, range economics, herbage production, forage production, range carrying capacity, animal unit month allocation, range watersheds, water yield, stream discharge, stream temperature, pollution indicator bacteria, fecal coliforms, fecal streptococcus, stream chemistry
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Quigley, Thomas M.; Sanderson, H. Reed; Tiedemann, Arthur R.  1989.  Managing interior Northwest rangelands: the Oregon Range Evaluation Project..   Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-238. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 223 p

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 12, 2009

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