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Title: Veneer recovery from Douglas-fir logs.
Author(s): Clarke, E.H.; Knauss, A.C.
Date: 1957
Source: PNW Old Series Research Paper No. 23: p. 1-13
Station ID: OSP-PNW-023
Description: During 1956, the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station made a series of six veneer-recovery studies in the Douglas-fir region of Oregon and Washington. The net volume of logs involved totaled approximately 777 M board-feet. Purpose of these studies was to determine volume recovery, by grade of veneer, from the four principal grades of Douglas-fir logs processed at plywood plants.
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Clarke, E.H.; Knauss, A.C.  1957.  Veneer recovery from Douglas-fir logs..   PNW Old Series Research Paper No. 23: p. 1-13

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 12, 2009

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