US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Economic considerations in Douglas-fir stand establishment.

Author: McClay, T.A.

Date: 1955

Source: USDA Forest Service PNW Old Series Research Paper No. 15: 1-10

Station ID: OSP-PNW-015

Description: One of the most important problem facing a forest manager is how to successfully bridge the gap between the cutting of the old stand and establishment of the new one. Perhaps its importance is due to the fact that it requires prompt action based upon definite planning. At most other points in a forest stand's history, failure to take action is not quite so obvious. That is, failure to prune, thin, salvage mortality, etc., may result in a less-than maximum output; but the area continues to produce, On the other hand, failure to get a new stand established following cutting means no production on the area at all--and quite obviously so. With evidence of success or failure following so closely whatever action is taken to establish a new stand, there is ample justification for studying every angle of all possible regeneration alternatives. This paper is concerned with a consideration of the economic aspects.


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McClay, T.A.  1955.  Economic considerations in Douglas-fir stand establishment..   USDA Forest Service PNW Old Series Research Paper No. 15: 1-10

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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