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Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Formation of social acceptability judgments and their implications for management of rare and little-known species.

Author: Stankey, George H.; Shindler, Bruce.

Date: 2006

Source: Conservation Biology. 20(1): 28-37

Description: Effective policies for management of rare and little-known species (RLKS) must be not only scientifically valid and cost-effective but also consistent with prevailing social beliefs and values. Limited public awareness of RLKS, however; constrains efforts to frame such policies. Lacking public support, resistance to RLKS programs is likely, particularly when other uses and values are affected. The challenge lies in understanding how public judgments are formed, sustained, and altered. Although the lack of public support often is attributed to inadequate understanding of the scientific bases for policies, research indicates that judgments derive from a complex, albeit poorly understood, suite of factors, including context, trust, esthetics, and personal history. Steps that can enhance public understanding of RLKS management include (1) clarifying the rationale and impacts of policies on the species, (2) specifying the contextual setting, (3) outlining specific actions to be taken, and (4) identifying when and where policies will be employed. Failure to foster understanding and support will leave management dominated by conflict and continued species loss.

Keywords: decision making, policy processes, public involvement

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Stankey, George H.; Shindler, Bruce.  2006.  Formation of social acceptability judgments and their implications for management of rare and little-known species..   Conservation Biology. 20(1): 28-37

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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