US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Thermal cover needs of large ungulates: a review of hypothesis tests.

Author: Cook, John G.; Irwin, Larry L.; Bryant, Larry D.; Riggs, Robert A.; Thomas, Jack Ward.

Date: 2004

Source: In: Transactions of the 69th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference: 708-726

Description: A great deal of big game research occurred in western North America during the 1960s through the 1980s, and many advances in our knowledge occurred as a result. Timber harvest increased during this period in many localities, and this trend was often perceived to threaten ungulate populations (Hieb 1976). Thus, it is not surprising that appreciable research in this era focused on relations between forestry and elk (Cervus elaphus). Logging's most apparent immediate effect is modification of the forest overstory, and a concept arose that was new, at least in the West, for elk-dense forest cover moderates the effects of harsh weather sufficiently to confer survival and reproductive advantages in the winter, in particular, and during the summer. Forest stands that confer such advantages are referred to as thermal cover.


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Cook, John G.; Irwin, Larry L.; Bryant, Larry D.; Riggs, Robert A.; Thomas, Jack Ward.  2004.  Thermal cover needs of large ungulates: a review of hypothesis tests..   In: Transactions of the 69th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference: 708-726

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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