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Title: Public perspectives on the "wildfire problem."
Author(s): Cheng, Antony S.; Becker, Dennis R.
Date: 2005
Source: Management Today. 65(3): 12-15
Description: Just as wildland fire managers must have a working knowledge of fire behavior, they must also understand the social dimensions of wildland fire in order to effectively engage the public.Social scientists are therefore gathering information about public attitudes toward wildland fire and wildfire mitigation. How do people see the "wildfire problem"? What social values are threatened? What role do community dynamics play? How can citizens be engaged in mitigating the threat? And what is the institutional context of wildland fire management?
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Cheng, Antony S.; Becker, Dennis R.  2005.  Public perspectives on the "wildfire problem.".   Management Today. 65(3): 12-15

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 12, 2009

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