US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Forestland development and private forestry with examples from Oregon (USA).

Author: Kline, Jeffrey D.; Alig, Ralph J.

Date: 2005

Source: Forest Policy and Economics. 7: 709-720

Description: Growing human populations inevitably lead to the conversion of some forestlands to more intensive developed uses. Resulting landscape changes can influence long-term timber production possibilities, and affect the quantity and quality of wildlife habitat, outdoor recreation and open spaces that contribute to people's quality of life. Anticipating the potential effects of forestland development can be important to formulating management and policy strategies that balance the multiple demands of society regarding land for development, resource production, and environmental protection. Previous research conducted in western Oregon has: 1 ) examined factors related to historical forestland development and projected future development; and 2) examined effects of forestland development on private forest management and investment activities.

Keywords: Forestland development, private forestry, land use, wildland/urban interface

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Kline, Jeffrey D.; Alig, Ralph J.  2005.  Forestland development and private forestry with examples from Oregon (USA)..   Forest Policy and Economics. 7: 709-720

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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