US Forest Service

Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Tree planting in the south: what does the future hold.

Author: Kline, Jeffrey D.; Butler, Brett J.; Alig, Ralph J.

Date: 2002

Source: Southern Journal of Applied Forestry. 26(2): 99-107

Description: Projected increasing demands for timber coupled with reduced harvests on public lands have led to concern among some forest policymakers regarding the adequacy of future U.S. timber supplies. One question concerns the likelihood that prevailing market incentives will induce industrial and nonindustrial private landowners to intensify forest management.

Keywords: Nonindustrial private forest owners, forest industry, cost-share programs, carbon sequestration, Renewable Resources Planning Act

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Kline, Jeffrey D.; Butler, Brett J.; Alig, Ralph J.  2002.  Tree planting in the south: what does the future hold..   Southern Journal of Applied Forestry. 26(2): 99-107

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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