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Pacific Northwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Landscape patterns of phenotypic variation and population structuring in a selfing grass, Elymus glaucus (blue wildrye).

Author: Erickson, Vicky J.; Mandel, Nancy L.; Sorensen, Frank C.

Date: 2004

Source: Canadian Journal of Botany. 82: 1776-1789

Description: Source-related phenotypic variance was investigated in a common garden study of populations of Elymus glaucus Buckley (blue wildrye) from the Blue Mountain Ecological Province of northeastern Oregon and adjoining Washington. The primary objective of this study was to assess geographic patterns of potentially adaptive differentiation in this self-fertile allotetraploid grass, and use this information to develop a framework for guiding seed movement and preserving adaptive patterns of genetic variation in ongoing restoration work. Progeny of 188 families were grown for 3 years under two moisture treatments and measured for a wide range of traits involving growth, morphology, fecundity, and phenology. Variation among seed sources was analyzed in relation to physiographic and climatic trends, and to various spatial stratifications such as ecoregions, watersheds, edaphic classifications, etc. Principal component (PC) analysis extracted four primary PCs that together accounted for 67% of the variance in measured traits. Regression and cluster analyses revealed predominantly ecotypic or stepped-clinal distribution of genetic variation. Three distinct geographic groups of locations accounted for over 84% of the variation in PC-I and PC-2 scores; group differences were best described by longitude and ecoregion. Clinal variation in PC-3 and PC-4 scores was present in the largest geographic group. Four geographic subdivisions were proposed for delimiting E. glaucus seed transfer in the Blue Mountains.

Keywords: Elymus gtaucus, morphological variation, local adaptation, seed transfer, seed zones, polyploid

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Erickson, Vicky J.; Mandel, Nancy L.; Sorensen, Frank C.  2004.  Landscape patterns of phenotypic variation and population structuring in a selfing grass, Elymus glaucus (blue wildrye)..   Canadian Journal of Botany. 82: 1776-1789

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 13, 2009

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