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Program Areas

Specialty Crops
Field research on niche crops and new varieties

Organic Agriculture
Peer-reviewed research on organic agriculture, especially vegetable production

Farm Management
Series of articles on management, financing, marketing and crop production

Food Safety
Information related to food safety and tips for use at farmers markets

Farmers Markets
Guides and resources for market managers and vendors

Postharvest Handling
Information related to postharvest handling and quality management

Links to direct marketing and farmers market organizations

Adding Value
Links related to adding value to crops, often by processing

Agricultural Tourism
Research, tips and fact sheets related to public interest in agritourism and how to start up an agritourism operation

Risk Management
Worksheets on health and safety on the farm

Women In Agriculture
Links and networking on the topic of women in agriculture

Definitions, tips for how to start a cooperative, and links to related publications