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Watsonville High

Watsonville High/MESA Program

Students, parents and teachers at Watsonville High School met with UC President Robert Dynes to discuss their participation in the MESA program...

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Rise of dinosaurs

Rise of dinosaurs not so rapid at all

Fossils discovered in northern New Mexico show for the first time that dinosaurs and their non-dinosaur ancestors lived side by side for tens of millions of years.

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E.coli research

California growers and processors are working with University of California scientists to study the biology, ecology and possible sources of E.coli in agricultural systems.

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President's tour

President Dynes has traveled across the state and abroad to see the work of UC researchers and teachers. Take a look at where he's been and learn more about the many programs that are shaping the future of California.


UC graduates in Peace Corps

UC students are taking their UC education abroad to help the poor and seeing the developing world from a grassroots perspective.


Novel fingerprint detection technology

Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists discover a new method for detecting fingerprints based on chemical elements present in fingerprint residue.


Discover Magazine's 2006 Scientist of the Year

UC Berkeley Chemist Jay Keasling honored for pioneering work in the field of synthetic biology.