Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
OpenCourseWare (OCW) Course Listing


Critical Analysis of Popular Diets and Dietary Supplements

Provides the knowledge one needs to critically appraise a weight control diet or dietary supplement and choose the best plan for success.

Food and Nutrition Policy

Familiarizes and engages the student with the process of developing policies.

International Nutrition

Presents major nutritional problems that influence the health, survival and developmental capacity of populations in developing societies.

MPH Capstone Honors Recipients 2008

MPH candidates are required to prepare capstone projects to complete their degree program. Each year, special honors were given to ten students for the best overall capstone projects. Presentations from three of the ten 2008 honors recipients are posted.

Nutritional Health, Food Production and the Environment

Provides an understanding of the complex and challenging public health issue of food security and in a world where one billion people are under-nourished while another billion are overweight.

Principles of Human Nutrition

Provides an integrated overview of the physiological requirements and functions of protein, energy and the major vitamins and minerals that are determinants of health and diseases in human populations.

Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health

The course is designed to help students develop basic literacy regarding social concepts and processes that influence health status and public health interventions.