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Acting Interior Assistant Secretary for Water and Science Kameran Onley (seated, left) is welcomed by California Congresswoman Grace Napolitano, the Chairwoman of the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power -  Chairwoman Napolitano headed the meeting to discuss water and hydropower priorities for the western U.S. with senior Interior and Reclamation officials, including (standing, left to right) Southern California Area Office Manager Bill Steele, Deputy Commissioner for External & Intergovernmental Affairs Ryan Serote, Commissioner Bob Johnson, DOI Deputy Assistant Secretary Kris Polly, and Mid-Pacific Deputy Regional Director John Davis. (Courtesy - Office of Rep. Grace Napolitano)

Rural Water Supply Interim Final Rule Available for Review - The Bureau of Reclamation has published the interim final rule which establishes the criteria for the Rural Water Supply Program, a new program at Reclamation. The Program was authorized by the Rural Water Supply Act of 2006 which authorizes Reclamation to participate in projects to develop and deliver potable water supplies to rural communities in the Western United States. Press Release, Rural Water Website

Reclamation Publishes Managing for Excellence Concluding Report - The Bureau of Reclamation announced that is has published the concluding report for the Managing for Excellence Initiative. This report documents the conclusion of the initiative and charts the course for ongoing implementation of the resulting decisions. "Reclamation has always believed in self-evaluation and continuous improvement," said Commissioner Robert Johnson. "Managing for Excellence is the latest example of Reclamation addressing how it does business with special emphasis on collaboration with stakeholders, transparency, and efficiency achieved through its business management practices." Press Release, Concluding Report

Animas-La Plata Project
Secretary Kempthorne Commends Progress on Animas-La Plata Project in Durango Ceremony Featuring Governor Ritter, Sen. Salazar and Ute and Navajo Tribal Leaders - With the construction of the Animas-La Plata Project nearing completion in Colorado, Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne and other leaders lauded progress on the project in a ceremony near the outlet works at the base of Ridges Basin Dam. Several hundred project partners joined Kempthorne, Department of the Interior Solicitor David Bernhardt, Governor Bill Ritter, Sen. Ken Salazar, Chairman Clement Frost of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Chairman Ernest House of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, President Joe Shirley the Navajo Nation and Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Robert Johnson in a celebration at the site. More...

Water Marketing and Efficiency Grant Funding Opportunity Announced for Fiscal Year 2009 under the Water for America Initiative - Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Bob Johnson has announced the first funding opportunity for fiscal year 2009 under the Water for America Challenge Grant Program is now available online at www.grants.gov. Reclamation is seeking proposals for cooperative projects that create water banks and markets or improve the water delivery efficiency of a system through conservation or operational improvements. Reclamation has also announced grants for System Optimization Reviews, Water For America

Interim Public Conduct Rule Available for Review - The Bureau of Reclamation has published an interim final rule that updates existing regulations regarding public access to and conduct on all Reclamation projects, waters, and real property. More...

Last Updated: 12/4/08

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