Plants For A Future Logo Full Contact Details
Registered Charity No. 1057719

Friends of Plants For A Future

Applications for members of friends of plants for a future is currently suspended.

The Plants For A Future Charity is currently under a lot of problems. We are having to sell the land we own and the charity may be wound up after that happens. Please bare this in mind when joining.

Plants For A Future is a resource and information centre for useful plants, promoting ecologically sustainable vegan-organic horticulture and agriculture with an emphasis on tree, shrub and other perennial species. We are a registered charity, number 1057719. We provide information and where possible supply the plants themselves (either by mail order or direct to visitors). Plants on our site are grown without the use of artificial fertilizers, sprays or animal products (vegan-organic).

You can help to support the activities of Plants for a Future and also get involved in the work we are doing by becoming a 'Friend' of Plants For A Future our membership scheme.

Membership Fees

The membership fees are
  • � - standard membership
  • �- low income
  • � - Supporting Membership. For those who want to help a little bit more. Suporting members have the option of having their name displayed on our website.
  • �0 - life membership

You can join Friends of Plants For A Future by regular mail or over the internet using a Credit Card through our PayPal system.

Regular Mail

Just print out and complete the form at the botton of the page and send together with a cheque made payable to "Plants For A Future" to

Friends of Plants for a Future,
1 Lerryn View
PL22 0QJ
Telephone 01208 872963

Internet Subscriptions

You can also join over the internet using our PayPal system.

Click on one of the button below to make a credit card donation to the project using the PayPal system. (You can pay in either UK pounds or US dollars, ask if you would like to pay in Euros).

Standard subscription - £10
Supporting subscription - £25
Standard subscription - $18 (aprox £10)
Supporting subscription - $42 (aprox £25)

How Joining Friends of Plants For A Future helps us

As well as the website Plants For A Future run two sites: an Eduction Centre in Devon and a research centre in Cornwall. The education centre was established in 1997 and has just finished the first phase of its development with the gaining of planning permission and construction of its basic infrastructure. This year (2002) we have planned a large range of courses and events including the South West Permaculture at end of June and a series of Shaping The Future of Plants For A Future events designed for those who want to help the project.

We have great plans for the Education centre, and hope that one day it will become a visitors centre open to the general public. Such a scheme will take a lot of time and money, which is where Friends of Plants For A Future comes in.

This year we are hoping to find a thousand friends. If we meet this target then we will be able to secure the future of the site and move forward with the sites development. So far this year we have been atonished by the generousity of our friends attracting several large donations and loans so we are well on target. Sime of the money has been used to buy a wildlife friendly grass cutter which will help keep the brambles under control.

How Joining Friends helps you

There several benifits to you of becoming a friend:

Newsletters with information on plants and Plants for a Future.

We aim to publish newsletters quarterly, a full newsletter in the Summer and Winter and intermediate news updates in the Spring and Autumn, but we do not work to a timetable and have no fixed publication dates. The newsletters contain information on progress at PFAF, details of some of the exciting new plants we are growing, nutritional information and hints and tips etc.

We can now supply newsletters via Email, this has the benefit of saving us time and money. This way we can also send out special bulletins (to email recipients only).


First names _______________________________ Surname _____________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ Post code _______________________
Telephone number _____________________________ Email Address ____________________________

(Please tick relevant box/s)

I would like to become a Friend of Plants for a Future

I enclose a subscription payment of: (please tick)
__ �.00 (Supporting member - help a little bit more!)
__ �.00 (Standard)
__ �00 (For those on a low income)
__ �0.00 (Life Membership)

Payment Method

I wish to pay by:

  • __ Cheque Please make payable to Plants for a Future. Unfortunately we can only accept euro-cheques and cheques draw on UK bank accounts. Cheques in dollars will bounce!
  • __ Standing Order Do you often forget to renew subscriptions? Then this is the option for you. Please fill in the mandate below and give to you bank. (UK only)
  • __ Credit Card Donations over the Internet just click on the button and send us your details.

Please send my newsletters via: - __ Email __ Regular mail

If you would also like to make a donation to the work of Plants for a Future, then please tick the appropriate box, thank you!

I enclose a donation of: - __ �__ � __ � __ � Other amount ______

__ I am a UK tax payer and I would like my subscription/donation to count as gift aid.


Please note that we will be storing names and addresses in a computer database since this makes it much easier to keep and maintain records, send out newsletters etc. If you do not want your name and address stored in this way then please let us know and we will maintain a separate paper record.

We will not release your details to any other individuals or organisations.

I would like ________copy/s of the book (I enclose �.25 each)

I heard about Plant For A Future from ________________________________________________

All the information contained in these pages is Copyright (C) Plants For A Future, 1996-2008.

Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567, 

HTML version prepared by Rich Morris - Home Page

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. You can copy, distribute, display this works and to make derivative works but: Attribution is required, and it's Share Alike (GNUish/copyleft) i.e. has an identical license. We also ask that you let us know ( if you link to, redistribute, make a derived work or do anything groovy with this information.