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Frequently Asked Questions

Using this Website




Using this Website

Why should I log in? Logging in to our website provides you with full access to our information, products, and services, many of which may only be accessed by members. If you are not a member, you will be asked to log in before you join, register for a meeting, subscribe to a journal, or purchase a product.

How do I log in? Log in by clicking the “Please log in” link found at the top of any website page, to the left of the “Search” tool. You will be asked for your email address and password.

Your email address is the one we have on file if you are a member, certified, or an existing customer (purchased a product or attended a conference in the past). If you do not remember which email address you provided to us, have not provided one to us in the past, or if you do not have an email address, please call 608-273-8085 if you are certified or 608-273-8080 if you are a member or existing customer. If you are not a member, certified, or an existing customer, then you should click on "Register as a New Guest."

Members/Certified: When you log in for the first time, your password is your member/certification number plus the first initial of your first name (the initial is not case sensitive). For example, John Smith's member number is 123456. His default password is 123456j. Your member/certification number may be found on your membership card, or on the upper left corner of the CSA News mailing label. You may also click on Forgot My Password and we will email it to the email address we have on file. Once you have logged in for the first time, you may change your password. You may retrieve your password at any time by clicking the Forgot My Password button. Existing Customers: If you are not a member/certified, but you have purchased a product or attended a conference with us in the past, you have a customer number. Please click on Forgot My Password and we will automatically email it to you. Guests: Please register as a new guest if you are not a member, certified, and have not purchased a product from us or attended a meeting with us in the past.

What if I am not a member? If you are not a member, you will be asked to log in before you join, register for a meeting, subscribe to a journal, or purchase a product. We will keep your information on file, in accordance with our privacy policy. And of course, you should become a member to access the full range of benefits, products, and services we offer.

Why does it tell me my email is already in use? You have already registered as a guest (or are a member). Please click on Forgot My Password and your password will be emailed to you so you may log in.

How can I tell if I am logged in? Once you log in, your name will be displayed, along with a message that says “Welcome. You are logged in” at the top of each page, with an option to log out. You will automatically be logged out in 10 minutes if there is no activity.

How can I find what I’m looking for? You may search our website using our Google search feature. Enter your search term in the box anchored at the top right-hand side of each page, next to the “Search” button.


What is my membership number? Your membership number is assigned to you when you join. It may be found on the membership card sent to you each year when you renew or on the CSA News label. You may call the Societies office at 608-273-8080 if you need your number, or email us at membership@agronomy.org

Have I renewed my membership? If you are not sure if you have renewed your membership, please log in from any home page to My Account. Your membership paid through and renewal dates will display at the top. You may also click on the "My Transactions" tab then choose "My Dues."

How do I update my contact information? Members and nonmembers may log in, then select "My Account." Edit the information in the "Contact Info" tab. Don't forget to click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.

Why can’t I change my organization? You may only change your organization to one already on our list. To find a company, click "Change/Add" under the "Company/Institution" box on the Contact Info tab in My Account. Note that the system will search for the text you enter in all parts of the company name or acronym, not just the beginning. The more you type in the search text, the smaller the list of possible matches. If you do not see your organization/company in the results list, please contact us at 608-273-8080 or email us at membershipatagronomy.org, so we can set up your organization.

How much does membership cost? It depends on your member type and location. Base membership in one Society is $90 for U.S. active members; $95 for international active members; $32 for U.S. graduate student members; $37 for international graduate student members; and $12 for U.S. and international undergraduate students. Click here for a comparative chart.

What if I can’t afford membership? Scientists and students residing in and a citizen of countries classified by the World Bank as low income or lower-middle income are eligible for a reduced membership rate of $38 USD. This includes membership in one Society of your choice, plus an electronic-only subscription to the journal of your choice (print subscriptions not available for this membership category). An email address is necessary to access electronic-only benefits. The Agronomic Science Foundation will provide a match of $19 U.S. funds (50% match of reduced international membership rate), open to scientists/students for whom even the reduced membership rate of $38 is a hardship. Dues may also be waived for those on military leave or unemployed. Contact the Societies office at 608-273-8080 or via email at membershipatagronomy.org for more information and an application. Online applications not accepted.

What are the benefits of membership? As a member, you’ll find the information you want, when you need it; gain professional recognition and advance your career; access a community of peers around the world; and support your chosen profession. Click here for more information.

How do I become a member? Joining is easy! There are four easy ways to join or renew: online, by fax at 608-273-2021, via mail (address below), or by phone at 608-273-8080. Download one of the following PDFs:

Which Society should I choose? The choice of Society is up to you. The three Societies share many programs and services, although each Society also provides unique opportunities available only to its members. In addition, you may only join Divisions of Interest, present papers at the International Annual Meetings, and receive the member discount publication rate for journal articles in those Societies in which you hold membership. Here is a brief description of each Society:

Which Divisions of Interest should I choose? You may only join Divisions of Interest for those Societies in which you hold membership. You may join up to four as a membership benefits. Divisions have their own websites and listservs, and hold business meetings at the International Annual Meetings.

Can I tell a friend or colleague about membership? Of course! Recommending a friend or colleague for membership is one of the nicest things you can do to boost their career. This year, referring colleagues for membership is a great way to help our planet, our sciences, and our societies. Every time you refer a colleague for membership in the Societies, we will make a $1 donation to the Global ReLeaf project of American Forests. Each dollar equals one tree planted in ecorestoration projects around the globe--projects which run the gamut from encouraging urban tree planting to reforestation to restoring natural habitats.

I just joined. What do I do now? Welcome! We’re so glad to have you as a member. You will receive a new member packet with your membership card and materials shortly. Meanwhile, visit our New Member Resources to get started.


How can I submit an abstract for a meeting? Abstracts for our International Annual Meetings may be submitted online at www.acsmeetings.org Click on the “Poster/Oral Papers” link. Typically, the Call for Papers goes out in January and abstracts must be submitted by early May. If you are submitting an abstract for one of the branch or regional meetings, please visit the branch or region’s website for more information. Click here to see a list of branch and regional meetings.

How do I register for a meeting? Registering may be done online, via fax, or via mail. Preregistration typically opens in late June or early July. The International Annual Meetings Preregistration brochure includes registration and housing information. The July issue of CSA News includes this brochure; it may be downloaded by visiting the Annual Meetings website. If you would like to register for another meeting, visit the Meetings page.

Do I need to be a member to register for a meeting? It depends. Usually you do not need to be a member to register, but members typically receive a substantial discount on registration fees. For example, you can join and register for the Annual Meetings, and still pay less than the nonmember price—and you get the wonderful benefits of membership in addition to attending the meeting. Branch, regional, and other meetings may be different. Visit the Meetings page for more information.


How do I submit an article for publication? First, choose the journal to which you wish to submit your article: Agronomy Journal, Crop Science, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Journal of Environmental Quality, Journal of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Education, or Vadose Zone Journal. Find a list of publications, instructions for authors, and links to submit on our Publications page.

How do I subscribe to a journal? Subscribing is easy. There are many subscription options. If you are joining, you may choose to subscribe to journals at that time. You may add or drop subscriptions when you renew.

How do I access my electronic subscription? Use your membership number to activate your subscription by visiting the online journal site. During activation, you may choose your own username and password for the subscription, which may be different from what you use to log into the Societies' websites. If you subscribed to an online journal in the past, your username and password will be the same as previously and there is no need to go through the activation process. You can retrieve your login information by visiting the forgotten password site. Please allow a week for your subscription to be processed before you activate it electronically.

How do I order a publication? Visit the Society Store. You will see a complete list of Society publications, including books, CDs, and more. Visit the Publications page to see a partial list of publications and to download a PDF of our most recent catalog.

How do I buy a single article? Visit the journal in question: Agronomy Journal, Crop Science, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Journal of Environmental Quality, Journal of Natural Resources & Life Sciences Education or Vadose Zone Journal. Use the “Search for Articles” link to find the article you would like, then follow the instructions to purchase it. You may also use this online form. Single articles are $16 for members, and $20 for non-members.

Where is my order? If you have placed an order and need assistance, please contact us at 608-273-8080 or via email at pmagana@agronomy.org.