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Wind Energy

Wind Turbines, courtesy of NRELA typical small wind system consists of a wind turbine mounted on a tower, supplementing a home or farm's energy needs whenever the wind is blowing. States with net metering programs allow wind energy producers to sell excess energy back to the utility, essentially causing their electric meter to "spin backwards."

Besides installing small wind turbines to meet their own energy needs, many rural landowners lease land to power companies for large-scale wind projects. Other landowners have pooled their resources to start cooperatively-owned wind projects.

The publications and links below offer information on choosing and putting up a wind turbine of your own, as well as leasing arrangements, funding opportunities, and other factors to consider.

NOTE: Some of the following documents are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Acrobat Reader.

ATTRA Publications

Small-Scale Wind Energy on the Farm [Summary] [HTML] [PDF / 1.0M]
Locally Owned Renewable Energy Facilities [Summary] [HTML] [PDF / 957K]
Wind-powered Electric Systems for Homes, Farms, and Ranches: Resources [Summary] [HTML] [PDF / 426K]
Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm [Summary] [HTML] [PDF / 1.5M]

Other Publications

Small Wind Electric Systems: A U.S. Consumers' Guide [PDF / 1.3M]
A 27-page booklet published in March 2005 by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

The Wind Resource Assessment Handbook [PDF / 2.71M]
A 79-page booklet created in 1997 for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, offering helpful information for those who are considering a wind measurement program.

Harvesting the Wind [PDF / 396K]
Answers basic questions about large wind turbines and locating them on your land.

Buying a Small Wind Electric System [PDF / 538K]

Wind Energy Information Guide [PDF / 46K]
General web-based resources on wind energy, published by the American Wind Energy Association

Community Wind Financing Handbook [PDF / 502K]
A handbook from the Environmental Law & Policy Center.

Electricity from the Wind: What Landowners Should Know
Outlines lease agreements, easements, and other factors to take into account when considering large wind turbines on your farm or ranch.

COOPERATIVE WIND: How Co-ops and Advocates Expanded Wind Power in Minnesota
Describes a wind energy co-op plan enacted in 1996 in Minnesota, resulting in the participation of a dozen co-ops producing 1.5 megawatts of electricity.

Success Stories

Illinois Rural Electric Cooperative Installs 1.65 MW Turbine, Wins Annual DOE Award

Minnesota Rural Community Negotiates for a 100-Megawatt Wind Energy Project

Farmer-Owned LLCs Develop Wind Energy Projects

Northwestern Rural Cooperative Installs Wind Turbines

Illinois Farmer Cuts Energy Bills in Half with Wind, Solar Power

Corn, Pig Farm Receives All Its Energy from Wind Turbines [PDF / 124K]

Wind Energy Links

Using Wind Energy for Irrigation Power
This Excel spreadsheet from Montana State University allows you to compare up to three different sizes of wind turbines, and up to four different types of irrigation systems, matching electric requirements to wind turbine generating capacity.

Wind Powering America
This U.S. Department of Energy program aims to dramatically increase the use of wind energy in the United States, through wind maps, anemometer loan programs, small wind guides, legislative briefings, and wind working groups.

On-Farm Wind Power
An introduction to agriculture-related wind energy generation, including information about costs and cooperatives.

American Wind Energy Association
A national wind energy trade association, AWEA's website provides information about wind energy projects and companies worldwide, technology development, and policy.

Wind Power and Agriculture: Farming the Wind
This Union of Concerned Scientists' website gives an overview of the U.S. wind industry and explains the processes and costs involved in purchasing wind energy equipment.

National Wind Energy Center
A major wind turbine research facility, NWTC's website includes information on industry partnerships, demonstration projects, and other wind energy resources.

Windustry provides technical support and analysis tools in order to increase wind energy opportunities for rural landowners and communities -- including information about landowner rights, risks, and benefits.

Renewable Energy Atlas of the West
A resource for policy makers, advocates, landowners, developers and others interested in wind, solar, geothermal and biomass energy.

Midwest Renewable Energy Association
A non-profit organization promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable living through education and demonstration projects.

Northwest Sustainable Energy for Economic Development
Northwest SEED seeks to build rural economies and increase the energy independence of the Northwest through clean, affordable, and distributed energy This website offers technical assistance, project descriptions, renewable energy mapping, and related publications.

Montana Green Power: Wind Energy
Includes a list of factors and costs to consider when deciding on whether to install a wind energy systems, as well as wind maps, wind speed explanations, links, and other resources.


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Last Updated December 2, 2008

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