Overview 2007
Download the WIPO Overview here [PDF] or visit the free publications site.

WIPO - An Overview

The WIPO Overview , introduced in 2007, is a free publication, which explains in simple terms how WIPO works and how the Organization carries out its mission of promoting a balanced IP system. It includes examples and highlights which illustrate the range of WIPO's activities and achievements over the past biennium. These will be updated in new edition each year.

The WIPO Overview replaces the former General Information Brochure and the Annual Report with a single, streamlined and more accessible public information booklet.

Archive of Annual Reports

Since 2006, the WIPO Annual Report has been replaced by the WIPO Overview.

Annual Reports from 1998 to 2005 are available in PDF format here:

2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998

Financial Management Reports

The Financial Management Report is published following the end of each biennium. 


Previous reports are available in PDF format here:



About WIPO