How WIPO Works

The terms governing WIPO’s mandate, functions, finances and procedures are set out in the WIPO Convention.

Member States

WIPO’s Member States determine the strategic direction and activities of the Organization. They meet in the Assemblies, committees and working groups. See  decision-making bodies.

There are currently 184 Member States, i.e. over 90 percent of the countries of the world. Click here for a regularly updated list of members and membership criteria, with links to further information by country.


The WIPO Secretariat, or International Bureau, is based in Geneva. WIPO staff, drawn from more than 90 countries, include experts in diverse areas of IP law and practice, as well as specialists in public policy, economics, administration and IT.

The respective divisions of the Secretariat are responsible for coordinating the meetings of Member States and implementing their decisions; for administering the international IP registration systems; for developing and executing the programs designed to achieve WIPO’s goals; and for providing a repository of IP expertise to assist its members.

 NGOs, IGOs, Civil Society

WIPO works with a wide spectrum of stakeholders, including other intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, representatives of civil society and of industry groups. Some 250 NGOs and IGOs currently have official observer status at WIPO meetings. See the list of WIPO observers and admission criteria.

Program and Budget

Every two years WIPO’s Director General presents a Program and Budget document to Member States for approval. This details objectives, performance measures and budgetary planning for all proposed program activities.

WIPO is unusual among the family of UN organizations in that it is largely self-financing. About 90 percent of the Organization's budgeted expenditure of 626 million Swiss francs for the 2008-2009 biennium will come from earnings from the services which WIPO provides to users of the international registration systems (PCT, Madrid system, The Hague System etc.). The remaining 10 percent will be made up mainly of revenue from WIPO’s arbitration and mediation services and sales of publications, plus contributions from Member States. These contributions are relatively small. The five largest contributing countries each donate about one-half percent of the Organization's budget.

Financial Regulations and Rules

The financial activities of  WIPO are governed by the Financial Regulations and Rules.

About WIPO