Food Price Watch - Washington DC

Food Price Watch - Washington DC

Washington DC
World Food Crisis

The Washington DC basket

Each week, our correspondent visits the same shop to buy five of the staple items found in the typical Washington shopping basket. The price rises and falls will be tracked and contribute to the World Food Price Index.

  • Bread (0.7kg)
  • Milk (1.89L)
  • Potatoes (0.5 kg)
  • Beef (0.7kg)
  • Eggs (6)

Rajini Vaidyanathan in Washington writes:

As we edge closer to the Presidential election, the economy continues to dominate the agenda. Food prices, along with the cost of gas and housing worries are some of the biggest concerns among ordinary Americans.

The forecast is bleak with food prices expected to increase 5 - 6 % (consumer price index).

It puts the projected rise down to higher commodity and energy costs to retailers, which are being passed onto consumers. The changes in our D.C. supermarket trolley reflect this, all foodstuffs have seen a price rise in the six month monitoring period.

The biggest increase has been in the price of eggs. There are several possible reasons to explain this. The U.S. is a major egg producer, and exports about 15 percent of it's poultry production.

The industry is influenced by currency fluctuations, and economic growth in its import markets. Some reports also suggest that a rise in feed costs is to blame for the recent hikes.

The graph

Washington DC food prices