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Feedback about VegEdge, IPM, and the MN Fruit & Vegetable IPM Newsletter

"A lively and informative website hosted by the Univ. of Minnesota serves as a vegetable production IPM resource for the Midwestern U.S. by providing free timely information about all aspects of vegetable crop IPM, emphasizing pest insect management and related matters of interest to the region.

The site, better known as "VegEdge," , offers pest (insect, weed, disease) fact sheets, research updates, historical data for pest insect infestations, and a wide wedge of additional information to assist growers, processors, and crop consultants in making daily IPM decisions.

The opening page presents an interactive map showing 24 hyperlinks to newsletters and other information sources in 12 U.S. states and Ontario Province in Canada . Clicking on any of the sites promptly brings up a regional, linked site, many of which have additional links, thus vastly broadening the scope of available information.

VegEdge doesn't hedge its bets and so includes a link to the free, electronic Radcliffe's IPM World Textbook (, a 66-chapter compilation of IPM topics--technical, historic, and scientific. The site (also available in a Spanish language version) was conceived to provide an electronic alternative or complement to printed texts. Thematically, the site aims for "state of the art information from the world's leading experts on all aspects of IPM."

Taking the pledge to maintain VegEdge are W.D. Hutchison and S. Wold-Burkness, Dept. of Entomology, Univ. of Minnesota , who, in collaboration with colleagues in other states, strive to dredge up and make available a sledge-load of useful IPM information." (Sorry, the reviewer clearly went over the edge.)

From the International IPM Newsletter, IPMnet News (
Issue #125 (May 2004)
Editor, A.E. Deutsch

"I just want to thank you all for the MN Fruit & Vegetabe IPM News.  I am a home apple grower with 4 trees (Honeycrisp, Honeygold, Snowsweet, Zestar) and don't have/can't afford any expensive monitoring equipment.  I look forward to your release every week."

Mike Skweres
Washington Co. Master Gardener

”Thank you and the UofM for providing your web site.  Besides roads and jails, it is one of the few things I enjoy seeing my taxes spent for…  I found your site to be everything you wanted it to be, and it answered the questions I had.  Thank you!”

Bill MacPhail, Grower (May 2005)
Wright County, MN

“I was looking over the VegEdge site for some information today and noted how good this site remains...lots of new information, new links and such from the various jurisdictions...”

Jim Chaput (August 2004)
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Provincial Minor Use Coordinator
Guelph , Ontario, Canada

 "....I also want you to keep the hard-copy version of the newsletter coming! I don't always have time to check my email; I keep the newsletter in my truck and review it while I am in the field, between stops, etc.. The pest photographs are excellent."

Vegetable Grower (July 2004)
Rochester, Minnesota

The insect photo's in your newsletter really make a big difference in helping us make good management decisions; we can readily compare your photo's to what we are seeing in the field.  We just had a question last week; the same day your newsletter arrived with the photo we needed for False chinch bugs....we do not usually see these.  We also get busy in the summer; we like the hard-copy edition arriving each week."

Bill Veith (July 2002)
Seneca Foods
Janesville, Wisconsin

IPM Success Story: Cabbage IPM On-Farm Pilot Project

“The biggest thing I learned from this project is the importance of scouting and timing of applications. Any time you can get by with one spray (1999), it saves the grower a lot of money. It also shows the importance of regular scouting; we usually just scout to determine the first spray, and then go on a calendar-based schedule after that. But regular scouting will probably save us more money in the long-term.”


Gary Pahl (October 1999)
Pahl’s Markets
Vegetable Grower
Apple Valley , Minnesota


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