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We recommend a Planning Phase as the first step in developing web-based applications. Time invested in planning will pay large dividends, helping insure that projects will meet design, functionality, budget, and deadline goals.
Some Clients come to us with having already developed a vision for adoption of new technology, and request that we help plan an implementation strategy. Others engage us earlier in the planning process to solicit our input on improvements in marketing, customer service, sales, cost control, and a range of other business issues.
Planning agenda items are as varied as our Client base; included might be:
Brainstorming on possibilities
Selecting and prioritizing the best ideas
Clarifying goals and objectives for the project
Identifying who should do related work - Client staff, others, etc.
Answering questions such as:

    How should the data accumulate?
    What networks, hardware, and software should be used?
    What are the data security issues?
    Who needs the data and for what purposes?
    How does the new system scale?
    What maintenance tasks are required?
    What external resources and technologies support the project?
The culmination of the planning process is a report that will be suitable for securing bids on the next phase of the work. These reports are comprehensive, including hardware, software, websites, intranet, email system, site-to-site connectivity, and other components identified during the Planning Phase.
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