Fogler Library



The following is a brief, selected guide to agricultural information resources available in the University of Maine's Fogler Library, through the Fogler Library home page, and the World Wide Web.  The following book, available in Fogler Library's Science and Engineering Center, gives an excellent introduction to the agricultural literature:

Hutchinson, B.S. and Greider, A.P. (eds.) 2002. Using the agricultural, environmental, and food literature. New York: Marcel Dekker, 533p.
Sci Ref S494.5.A39U75 2002

Indexes and Databases | BibliographiesLiterature Guides and Archives | Crop Information | Style Guides | Agriculture Journals Author Instruction Pages | Dictionaries, Glossaries, and Encyclopedias | Directories | Handbooks, Manuals, and Reports | Associations | Statistical Resources | USDA | Weather Resources | Virtual Libraries

New Resources since 6/1/2008

Herbicide handbook. 9th ed. 2007. Lawrence, KS: Weed Science Society of America.
Sci Ref SB951.4.W43 2007

Kutz, M. (ed.) 2007. Handbook of farm, dairy, and food machinery. Norwich, NY: Springer. 732p.
Sci Ref TP 370.4.H3578 2007


URSUS - the online catalogue of the University of Maine System, contains a wealth of information of agriculture and related topics.  Searching is by author, title, keyword, subject, and call number.  Through URSUS you can find books, conference, symposium, and workshop proceeding volumes, University of Maine theses and dissertations, and state, federal, Canadian, and other international documents. Material is catalogued by Library of Congress Subject Headings.  The following subject headings may get you started in your search:

agricultural conservation, agroforestry, crop yields, crops and climate, irrigation, organic farming, plant breeding. plants - protection of, soil management, and tillage.

A good way to search URSUS is by Keyword.   Using the keyword search option you can combine various keywords together using AND, OR, and parentheses.  If you wanted to find information on soils in Maine or Vermont your search might look like this:

(soil or soils) and (vermont or maine or new england)

Once you have found something of interest note the subject headings and use these in your search.

Indexes and Databases

AgEcon Search: Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics
A searchable database of full-text papers on agricultural economics topics.  Papers indexed include those delivered at conferences, working and staff papers, and government reports.  Papers from over 30 academic institutions, institutes, centers, associations, and consortia are included.   It is noted that "Papers are NOT reviewed for accuracy or quality". 

Agricola 1970-present online
Sci Index S1.U52. 1942-1996 (1980-1996 in Annex) If you are connecting to this database off the University of Maine campus but within the State of Maine, please connect through Maine's Science, Technology & Business Library
Index to materials acquired by the National Agricultural Library (NAL) and cooperating institutions. Includes journal articles, monographs, series, and materials in many non-print formats covering a broad range of agricultural topics. NAL provides a Journals Indexed in Agricola.  Bibliography of Agriculture (print form of Agricola) can be searched by subject, author, and geographic location.  The Web version can be searched in a variety of ways including author, title and abstract keyword, and descriptors. From 1979-1985 international in scope. From 1985+ focuses on U.S. related publications. Note that the National Agricultural Library provides its own Web version of Agricola from 1970 to present. There is an online thesaurus. Updated monthly.

AGRIS- 1975-present online
This database is one of the three main agricultural databases along with Agricola and CAB.   It is produced and maintained by FAO. It contains over 2.7 million references. Searching is by keyword or by individual fields within a record. Agris indexes journals and books as well as gray literature, such as reports and theses. The records have been divided into two parts: references from 1975 to 1996 and from 1996 to present. Updated monthly.

Agricultural Communications Documentation Center
Searchable database of over 14,000 references including articles, books, theses and dissertations, and unpublished studies.  Many of the references are not cited in the Agricola database.  Created and maintained by the Agricultural Communications Documentation Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Agricultural Engineering Abstracts - 1976-present
Sci Index S671.A274. 1979-present
Index to the agricultural engineering literature.  Covers livestock buildings and equipment, post- and pre-harvest technology, crop harvesting, and protected cultivation (e.g. greenhouses).  Indexes over 500 journals (see Serials cited in Agricultural Engineering Abstracts) as well as reports, books, and conference proceedings.  Agricultural Engineering Abstracts in print form can be searched by author and CAB descriptors.  The Web version can be searched in a variety of ways including  author, title and abstract keyword, and CAB descriptors. Updated weekly.  

Alternative farming an annotated database
A searchable database on alternatives to factory farming. At present (3/3/2006) contains over 400 entries with more than one half available online. Animal Welfare Institute

ASABE Technical Library
Search the publications of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers title, author, keyword, or document number.  Note that full text is not available from this site however users should search URSUS to see if Fogler Library has a copy.

BIOSIS Previews 1926-present online
Biological Abstracts. 1927-present. Sci Index QH 301.B4
Biological Abstracts/RRM
. 1979-present. Sci Index QH 301.B55
BIOSIS Previews, worldwide in scope, indexes the literature of the biological and biomedical sciences. The premier database in the biological sciences, subject coverage includes agriculture, biochemistry, bioengineering, botany, ecology, genetics, microbiology, pharmacology, and zoology. Approximately 5,500 serial publications (see Biosis Previews serials list) as well as books, proceedings and meeting abstracts, technical reports, review papers, and patents are indexed. There are 58 separate data fields that can be searched including author, title, publication source, organism, concepts, super taxa, publication type, author affiliation, and abstract keyword. Searches can be limited to review articles.

The core historical literature of agriculture
This database, developed by the Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University, currently has over 800 full-text historical agricultural texts published from the early nineteenth to the late twentieth century.  The database is fully searchable.

Current Research Information System
A searchable database of U.S. Department of Agriculture funded research.  Search by keyword, investigator, agency, institution, state, and project status and type.  Many records include a list of publications resulting from the research.

Database of IPM resources
A searchable directory of IPM resources worldwide, available on the Internet.  Search by keyword or build a search using Boolean operators. Includes a brief summary and link to the site.  This site is a collaborative effort of:  Consortium for International Crop Protection (Univ. IL) Integrated Plant Protection Center (Oregon State), National IPM Network (NCSU), and Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Program (VPI).

FAO corporate document repository
A searchable database of full-text FAO documents.  Search by terms from the document text or by keywords.

Grasslands and Forage Abstracts - 1973-present
Sci Index SB4.H38. 1994-present. 1968-1993 Herbage Abstracts
Indexes the ecological and management literature as relates to grasslands and rangelands.  Indexes over 800 journals (see Serials cited in Grasslands and Forage Abstracts) as well as reports, books, and conference proceedings.  Grasslands and Forage Abstracts in print form can be searched by author and CAB descriptors.  The Web version can be searched in a variety of ways including  author, title and abstract keyword, and CAB descriptors. Updated weekly.  

Horticultural Science Abstracts - 1973-present
Sci Index SB1.H65. 1931-present
Index to the horticultural literature.  Covers material on fruits, nuts, vegetables, and ornamental plants.  Indexes over 1,000 journals (see Serials cited in Horticultural Abstracts) as well as reports, books, and conference proceedings.  Horticultural Abstracts in print form can be searched by author and CAB descriptors.  The Web version can be searched in a variety of ways including  author, title and abstract keyword, and CAB descriptors. Updated weekly.  

Index to USDA agricultural handbooks May 2006

Index to USDA agriculture information Bulletins June 2005

Index to USDA Miscellaneous Publications June 2005

Index to USDA technical bulletins September 2005

National Ag Safety Database
This is a searchable database but can also be displayed by topic or by state publications.  Topics include chemicals and pesticides, electrical safety, crop handling, ladder safety, and personal protective equipment.  From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

National Agricultural Library: Digital Repository
Access to digitized publications, a majority being USDA material.  Searchable by keyword (Boolean - "and" or "or"), publication title, and date.

National Extension Water Outreach Education Database.
A database of educational resources in water quality, waste management, watershed management, and water policy and economics.  University of Wisconsin Extension.

Nematological Abstracts - 1973-present
Sci Index QL386.A1H42. 1990-present. Continues Helminthological abstracts. Sci Index QL386.A1 H4 1932-1989
Index to nematological literature including information on parasitic nematodes. Covers material on the life-history, behavior, ecology, genetics, and physiology of nematodes. Indexes over 550 journals (see Serials cited in Nematological Abstracts) , as well as reports, books, and conference proceedings.   Nematological Abstracts in print form can be searched by author and CAB descriptors.  The Web version can be searched in a variety of ways including  author, title and abstract keyword, and CAB descriptors. Updated weekly.  

North Carolina Pest Management Information Program
Includes pest management sites by state and an extensive list of crop profiles. North Carolina State University, Cooperative Extension.

Online documents covering water and agriculture
From the Water Quality Information Center, National Agricultural Library, a searchable database of full-text documents.  Subjects covered include decision making, irrigation, laws, legislation, and regulations, nutrient management, pollution, and conservation-based management. 

Plantfacts - Factsheet Database
A searchable database of horticultural and crop science information from 46 U.S. and Canadian institutions.  Maintained by the Ohio State University Department of Horticultural and Crop Science.

Review of Agricultural Entomology - 1973-present
Sci Index SB818.R48
Index to agricultural entomology literature including information on beneficial insects as well as insect pests. Covers forest trees, stored products, and cultivated plants.   Indexes over 1,500 journals (see Serials cited in Review of Agricultural Entomology) as well as books, reports, and conference proceedings.   Review of Plant Pathology in print form can be searched by author and CAB descriptors.  The Web version can be searched in a variety of ways including  author, title and abstract keyword, and CAB descriptors. Updated weekly.  

Review of Plant Pathology - 1973-present
Sci Index SB599.R4. 1970-present
Index to plant pathology literature including information on diseases of crop and ornamental plants as well as forest trees.  Coverage includes taxonomy, molecular biology, control, genetics, and physiology.  Review of Plant Pathology in print form can be searched by author and CAB descriptors.  The Web version can be searched in a variety of ways including  author, title and abstract keyword, and CAB descriptors.   Indexes 1,000+ journals (see Serials cited in Review of Plant Pathology) , as well as books, reports, and conference proceedings. Updated weekly.  

Soils and Fertilizers - 1973-present
Sci Index S590 .S67. 1947-present
Index to all aspects of soil science including techniques, classifications, physics, fertility, morphology, and biology. Also covers fertilizer properties, application, technology, economics, and marketing, and subject areas in soil and crop management. Indexes over 1,200 journals (see Serials cited in Soils and Fertilizers)  as well as reports, conference proceedings, and books. Updated weekly.  

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Project Reports
A database of projects funded by SARE.  Search by region, state, project type, and full-text keyword.  Links to project abstracts or annual reports describing the funded project.

A searchable database of recently submitted and/or published Agricultural Research Service (ARS) food and agricultural science research.  USDA, ARS

USDA Crop Profiles
A database that provides detailed pest information, including controls, and general and production information on over 100 crops.  Searches can be limited by crop (labeled commodity) and/or state.  Searches can also be conducted on the following sections within each crop profile:  Cultural practices, insect control, disease control, nematode control, weed control, vertebrate control.  This database is being developed by Steve Toth, Department of Entomology, NCSU, and Ron Stinner, NSF Center for IPM and the Department of Entomology, NCSU.

Web of Science. 1900-present
Science Citation Index
Sci Index Q1.A1S36
Web of Science includes Science Citation Index from 1900-present.  Search by word in the title, keyword, and abstract.  Perform cited reference searches from 1900 to present. Limit by author affiliation and document type.  

The paper edition consists of three major sections: 1) Source Index - the primary place to search for authors' works published in a given time period; 2) Citation Index - a list of all references (alphabetical by author) cited by an author of a given paper which is listed in the Source Index; and 3) Permuterm Subject Index - access to citations listed in the Source Index by significant title word (Note: There is no subject indexing). Over 4,000 journals are indexed (see the master journal list).  

Weed Abstracts - 1973-present
Sci Index SB611.W35. 1960-present.
Index to weed control, biology, ecology literature in over 1,000 journals (see Serials cited in Weed Abstracts) as well as reports, conference proceedings, and books.  Weed Abstracts in print form can be searched by author and CAB descriptor.  The Web version can be searched in a variety of ways including author, title and abstract keywords, and CAB descriptor.  Both forms are updated weekly.  

World Bank - Documents & Reports
A searchable database of over 14,000 World Bank documents, many available in full-text.  Searches can be done by author, title, keywords, country or region, sector (agriculture, economic policy, environment, etc.), document type, year, and report number.  This database includes country economic and sector work documents, project documents, and research & working papers.  Browsing is possible by country, document type, and sector. 


Bibliography of references related to seed dormancy and/or germination in higher plants
This bibliography was complied by G.M. Simpson, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Saskatchewan.  It is included here because it contains 12,000 references on the topic.  This bibliography can be searched by author, title, keyword, and source and can be limited by year of publication.  Records can be saved and e-mailed.  Coverage is from the 1890's to present.

Bibliography: Environmental change and its impact on species/ecosystems/agriculture
This bibliography was compiled by W.C.G. Burns, American Society of International Law - Wildlife Interest Group.  It contains almost 4,000 references to the peer reviewed and gray literature.  The database is keyword searchable.  There are no abstracts.  last updated 1/25/2004

Conservation effects assessment project bibliographies. Water Quality Information Center, National Agricultural Library.  Includes four bibliographies (all were updated 8/2004) on :

Environmental effects of U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation programs
Implementing agricultural conservation practices: Barriers and incentives
Data and modeling for environmental credit trading
Agricultural conservation practices and related issues

Impacts of environmental change on flora and fauna species, including agricultural resources
This bibliography was compiled by W.C.G. Burns, American Society of International Law - Wildlife Interest Group.  It contains almost 4,000 references to the peer reviewed and gray literature.  The bibliography is presented alphabetically by first author.  There are no abstracts. Updated 1/25/2004

Water Quality Information Center. Dynamic bibliographies.
Create dynamic bibliographies from the National Agricultural Library's (NAL) Article Citation Database the the NAL catalog - both part of the Agricola database. Topics include conservation buffers, conservation tillage, drainage, irrigation, and wetlands. 

Literature Guides and Archives

Core historical literature of agriculture. Albert R. Mann Library. Cornell University
Full-text of over 1500 texts in agriculture-related subjects as well as 6 journal titles including full-text of Journal of Farm Economics (1919-1967) and American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1968-1995).

Hutchinson, B.S. and Greider, A.P. (eds.) 2002. Using the agricultural, environmental, and food literature. New York: Marcel Dekker, 533p.
Sci Ref S494.5.A39U75 2002

Crop Information

Fruit & nut research and information center
Developed and maintained by the University of California Fruit & Nut Research and Information Center, Dept. of Pomology - University of California, Davis.  Information on over 45 fruit and nut crops from Cooperative Extensions, academic departments, and government and private organizations. 

Morton, J.F. [2000] Fruits of warm climates.

Major World Crop Areas and Climatic Profiles Online Version
Being developed by the Joint Agricultural Weather Facility, the World Agricultural Outlook Board of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Produced and maintained by the Center for New Crops & Plant Products, Purdue University, this site contains a wealth of information and includes CropSEARCH - a searchable database of crop information, CropINDEX - scientific and common names, CropMAP - Crop information and statistics from a clickable map of the United States, CropREFERENCE - bibliographies of books and manuals, and NewCropEVENTS - upcoming conferences and other events. There are many other resources.

Plant Disease Control
A to Z listing of plants with accompanying disease control information. Oregon State University Extension.

Vegetation Condition Map Animation. Conterminous U.S. Vegetation Condition 1995-1999, 2001-2006. USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Style Guides

AAEA On-line. Style and Reference Guide. American Agricultural Economics Association.

ASABE Guide for Authors: Style Guide. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers

ASHS Publications Style Manual. American Society for Horticulture Science

Publications Handbook & Style Manual. 2006
From the American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA).

Agriculture Journals Author Instruction Pages

Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
Agronomy Journal
American Journal of Potato Research
Biology and Fertility of Soils
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis
Crop Protection
European Journal of Soil Science
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry
Journal of Environmental Horticulture
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
Journal of the American Pomological Society
Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science
Pest Management Science
Plant and Soil
Plant Disease
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems
Small Fruits Review
Soil Biology and Biochemistry
Soil Science Society of America Journal
Weed Science
Weed Technology

Dictionaries, Glossaries, and Encyclopedias

Agriculture glossary. 1997. U.S. House of Representatives, House Committee on Agriculture.

AGROVOC Thesaurus
A searchable thesaurus of over 46,000 terms related to agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food and related subjects.  Developed by FAO and the Commission of the European Communities. 

Allender-Hagedorn, S. and Hagedorn, C. An agricultural and environmental biotechnology annotated dictionary. Developed and maintained by above 2 authors at Virginia Tech.

Arntzen, C.J. and Ritter, E.M. 1994. Encyclopedia of agricultural science. San Diego: Academic Press.
Sci Ref S411.E713 1994 vols. 1-4

Black, M., Bewley, J.D., and Halmer, P. (eds.) 2006. The encyclopedia of seeds - science, technology and uses. Oxfordshire, UK. 828p.
Sci Ref SB117.E455 2006

Canarache, A., Vintila, I., and Munteanu. 2006. Elsevier's dictionary of soil science - definitions in English with French, German, and Spanish word translations. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 1339p.
Sci Ref S592.C36 2006

Dermine, P. 1990. Vocabulaire de l'agriculture. Ottawa: Secretariat d'Etat du Canada,  1213p.
ORO Gov Doc Can S52-2/197

Encyclopedia of soils in the environment. Amsterdam: Elsevier Academic Press. 4 vols.
Sci Ref S592.E53 2004

FDA glossary of pesticide chemicals
Office of Plant and Dairy Foods and Beverages, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA

Glossary of ag terms
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau

Glossary of Forage Terms
From the Forage Information System

Glossary of soil science terms
Produced by the Soil Science Society of America.   Includes a search engine.

Glossary of terms in soil science. Canadian Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Publication 1459, 44p., 1976

Goodman, R.M. (ed.) 2004. Encyclopedia of plant and crop science. New York: Dekker. 1329p.
Sci Ref SB45.E486 2004

Gregorich, E.G., Turchenek, L.W., Carter, M.R., and Angers, D.A. (eds.)  2001. Soil and environmental science dictionary. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 577p.
Sci Ref S592.S59 2001

Haensch, G. and Haberkamp de Anton, G. 1986. Dictionary of agriculture - German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian. 5th rev/enlarged ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 1264p.
Sci Ref S411.H2613 1986

Holliday, P. 1998. A dictionary of plant pathology. 2nd ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 536p.
Sci Ref SB728.H65 1998

Huxley, P. and van Houten, H. 1997. Glossary for agroforestry. International Centre for Research in Agroforestry.

Kelly, A.F. and George, R.A.T. (eds.) 1998. Encyclopedia of seed production of world crops. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. 403p.
Sci Ref SB117.E53 1998

Lal, R. (ed.) 2006. Encyclopedia of soil science. New York: Taylor & Francis. 2 vols. 1923p.
Sci Ref S592.E517

Lipton, K.L. 1995. Dictionary of agriculture: From abaca to zoonosis. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. 345p.
Sci Ref S411.L55 1995

NAL (National Agricultural Library) thesaurus
2004 version.  Click here for detailed information on this thesaurus. This is a good place to start when developing a search strategy in any area of agriculture.  Combine with the CAB Thesaurus (above)

On-line glossary of technical terms in plant pathology
Edited by Dr. Phil A. Arneson, Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University. Brief definitions, in many cases, accompanied by audio pronunciations.

Pimentel, D. (ed.) 2002. Encyclopedia of pest management. NY: Marcel Dekker. 929p.
Sci Ref SB950.7.E63 2002

Plimmer, J.R. 2003. Encyclopedia of agrochemicals. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience. 3 vols.
Sci Ref S584.4.E53 2003 

Pond, W.G. and Bell, Alan W. (eds.) 2005. Encyclopedia of animal science. New York: Marcel Dekker. 926p.
Sci Ref SF61.E18 2005

Rice, R.P. 1993. Thomson's Spanish-English English-Spanish illustrated agricultural dictionary. Fresno, CA: Thomson Publications, 160p.
Sci Ref S411.R48 1993

Soil microbiology terms
Compiled by Dr. David Sylvia, Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida.  The primary resources for this glossary are the Internet Glossary of Soil Science and Glossary of Microbiology.

Soils glossary. Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada. The National Land and Water Information Service.

Stephens, A. 1998. Dictionary of agriculture. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 277p.
Sci Ref S493.S7 1998

Womach, J. 2005. Agriculture: A glossary of terms, programs, and laws, 2005 edition. Congressional Research Service, Report for Congress. 

Zoebelein, H. (ed.) 1997. Dictionary of renewable resources. Weinheim, Germany: VCH. 320p.
Sci Ref S584.4.D53 1997


Agricultural conferences, meetings, seminars, calendar. Maintained by the Agricultural Network Information Center (AgNIC)

Agriculture, mining and construction USA: Industry analyses, statistics, and leading companies. Detroit; London: Gale, 1998.  1133p.
ORO Ref S439.A4 1998

Armstrong, C.J. (ed.) 1996. World databases in agriculture. London: Bowker Saur. 1130p.
Sci Ref S494.5.D3W67 1996

ARS natural resources and sustainable agricultural systems scientific directory
Browse by state or search the entire database.  Maintained by the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

ASAE Standards 2002. 49th ed. 2002. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 979p.
Sci Ref S671.A32 49th ed. 2002

CAB International serials checklist 1995 ed. 1996. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. 483p.
Sci Ref S20.C33 1996

List of all U.S. Cooperative Extension web sites. Washington State University, Stevens County Extension.  See also
Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) - State and National Partners - more extensive database.  CSREES, USDA
See also A List of Cooperative Extension Websites from the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension

DeVille, K.C. 1998. Directory of farmer cooperatives [microform]. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Business and Cooperative Development Service. 124p.
ORO Gov Doc: Fiche A109.9:22

Ekstrom, G. 1994. World directory of pesticide control organizations. 2nd ed. Farnham, Surrey, UK: British Crop Protection Council. 423p.
Sci Ref SB951.W67 1994

Farm museum directory: A guide through America's farm past. 1996. Lancaster, PA: Stemgas Pub. Co. 64p.
Sci Ref S549.U5F37 1996

Farmland Information Center - Laws
Developed and maintained by the Farmland Information Center, this is a searchable site of farmland protection laws, regulations, and opinions at the local, state, and federal level.

Gates, J.P. 1997. Educational and training opportunities in sustainable agriculture. Beltsville, MD: National Agricultural Library. 60p.
Sci Ref S494.5.S86G37 11th ed. 1999

Irrigation & Drainage Research Directory
A directory of U.S. irrigation and drainage research that can be searched by location, topic, or researcher's name.  Maintained by the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Johnson, J.S., Fisher, R.C., and Boast, C. 2000. Agricultural information resource centers: A world directory 2000. Twin Falls, Idaho: IAALD World Directory Working Group. 718p.
Sci Ref S494.5.I47A47 2000

Lassanyi, M.E. 1998. Directory of export and trade assistance. Beltsville, MD: USDA, ARS, National Agricultural Library, 80p.
ORO Gov Doc A17.24:98-03

Maine Department of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Resources. Division of Plant Industries. 2008 Maine licensed producers and dealers of nursery stock

National organic directory. 1998. Davis, CA: Community Alliance with Family Farmers. 372p.
Sci Ref S605.5.N28 1998

Publications & Videos Across the States (Extension)
Developed and maintained by Kansas State University, Research and Extension.

State soils. USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soils

Vaughan, J.G. and Geissler, C. 1997. The new oxford book of food plants. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 239p.
Sci Ref SB175.V38 1997

Thomson, L. 1998. The 1998-99 pesticide directory: A guide to producers & products, regulators, researchers & associations in the United States. Fresno, CA: Thomson Publications. 150p.
Sci Ref HD9660.P32H32 1998

USDA Agency Field Libraries

USDA AMS Farmers Markets
A guide to farmer's markets throughout the United States provided and maintained by the Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

World list of seed sources
FAO, Plant Production and Protection Division - AGP, Seed and Plant Genetic Resources Service - AGPS
Search by country and crop

Handbooks, Manuals, and Reports

Agricultural and food scientists. U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Agriculture fact book 2001-2002
. Note that fact books from 1996-2000 are also available at this site.

AQUASTAT main country database
Developed and maintained by FAO, this is a searchable database of country information on land use and population, climate and water resources, water use, irrigation and drainage development, and environment and health.

ARS pesticide properties database
Created and maintained by USDA, ARS, Alternate Crops & Systems Lab

ARS water database
Streamflow and precipitation data from U.S. agricultural watersheds. USDA, ARS, Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory

The Brooks and Olmo Register of Fruit and Nut Varieties. 3rd ed. Alexandria, VA: ASHS Press. 743p.
Sci Ref SB355.B69 1997

Capinera, J.L. 2001. Handbook of vegetable pests. San Diego: Academic Press. 729p.
Sci Ref SB608.V4C243 2001

Compendium of on-line soil survey information
Links to soil survey information throughout the world. Compiled by D.G. Rossiter, International
Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences

Compendium of pesticide common names
A compendium of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) assigned names.  Information includes chemical names, molecular formulae and Chemical Abstracts Registry Numbers.

Congressional Research Service Reports
Over 100 Congressional Research Service reports concerned with agriculture and grazing made available through the National Library for the Environment.

Excel program used to make decisions about beef cow nutrition. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service & Oklahoma State University.

Crop protection reference. 19th ed. 2003. New York: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Press. various paging
Sci Ref SB 950.9.C76 2003

The EML soil sampling program
A database of archived soil samples and sampling measurements. U.S. Dept. Homeland Security, Environmental Measurements Laboratory

ERS/USDA reports. Research reportsOutlook reports.

Farm chemicals handbook. 2002. Willoughby, OH: Meister Publishing Company, various paging.
Sci Ref S637.F37 2002

GM database: Information on GM approved products. agbios.
Search this database by event name, crop plant, trait, inserted gene, type of approval, country, and original developer.  Extensive information.

Green, S.A. and Pohanish, R.P. (eds.) 2005. Sittig's handbook of pesticides and agricultural chemicals. Norwich, NY: William Andrew. 1189p.
Sci Ref S633.S6265 2005

Griffiths, J.F. (ed.) 1994. Handbook of agricultural meteorology. New York: Oxford University Press. 320p.
Sci Ref S600.5.H36 1994

Herbicide handbook. 9th ed. 2007. Lawrence, KS: Weed Science Society of America.
Sci Ref SB951.4.W43 2007

Horst, R.K. (reviser) 2001. Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook. 6th ed. Boston: Kluwer. 1008p. 
Sci Ref SB 731 W47 2001

Hydric soils of the United States. USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service
Lists of hydric soils by county and state, also national. 

Keys to soil taxonomy. 2006. 10th ed. [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Krieger, R. (ed.) 2001. Handbook of pesticide toxicology. V. 1: Principles, V2: Agents. 2nd ed. San Diego: Academic Press. 1908p.
Sci Ref RA 1270.P4H36 2001.

Kutz, M. (ed.) 2007. Handbook of farm, dairy, and food machinery. Norwich, NY: Springer. 732p.
Sci Ref TP 370.4.H3578 2007

Maynard, D.N. and Hochmuth, G.J. 2007. Knott's handbook for vegetable growers.  5th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.

Sci Ref SB321.M392 2007

MSDS Reference for crop protection products. 13th ed. 2001. New York: Chemical & Pharmaceutical Press. 785p.
Sci Ref SB 952.5.M73 2001

Murray, T.D., Parry, D.W., and Cattlin, N.D. 1998. A color handbook of diseases of small grain cereal crops. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press. 142p.
Sci Ref SB608.G6H87 1998

North American potato varieties. [1978?]. [Orono, ME]: Potato Association of America.  loose-leaf.
Sci Ref SB211.P8N6

Official soil series descriptions (OSD). USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Online soil survey manuscripts. USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Soil surveys from 35 states.

Pansu, M. and Gautheyrou, J. 2006. Handbook of soil analysis[:] Mineralogical, organic and inorganic methods. Berlin: Springer. 993p.
Sci Ref S593.P20813 2006

PestTracker. National Agricultural Pest Information System.
Links to information on insects, pathogens, weeds, biocontrols.

Prakash, A. and Rao, J. 1997. Botanical pesticides in agriculture. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers. 461p.
Sci Ref SB951.145.B68P73 1997

Radcliffe, E.B. and Hutchison, W.D. (eds.) Radcliffe's ipm world textbook. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota.

Randall, R.P. 2002. A global compendium of weeds. Melbourne: R.G. and F.J. Richardson. 905p.
Sci Ref SB611.R34 2002

Rules for testing seeds. 2000. Lincoln, NE: Association of official seed analysts, 120p.
Sci Ref SB117.R8 2000

Soil taxonomy: a basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 1999. 2nd ed.  Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 869 p.
ORO Gov Doc A 1.76:436/999

Stevenson, W.R., Loria, R., Franc, G.D., and Weingartner, D.P. (eds.) 2001. Compendium of potato diseases. 2nd. St. Paul, MN: APS Press. 106p.
Sci Ref SB608.P8C64 2001

Summer, M.E. (ed.) 2000. Handbook of soil science. Boca Raton, FL: CRC. various paging.
Sci Ref S591.H23 2000

Timmer, L.W., Garnsey, S.M., and Graham, J.H. (ed.) Compendium of citrus diseases. 2nd ed. St. Paul: APS Press. 92p.
Sci Ref SB608.C5C66 2000

Tomlin, C.D.S. 2000. The pesticide manual.12th ed. Surrey, UK: British Crop Protection Council. 1250p.
Sci Ref SB951.P434 2000

Turf & ornamental reference for plant protection products: T&OR. 2001. New York: Chemical and Pharmaceutical Press. various paging.
Sci Ref SB951 .T872 2001 

USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map. From the U.S. National Arboretum

Waxman, M.F. 1998. Agrochemical and pesticide safety handbook. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers. 616p.
Sci Ref SB951.W396 1998

Weber, E. 2003. Invasive plant species of the world[:] A reference guide to environmental weeds. Wallingford, UK: CAB Publishing. 548p.
Sci Ref SB613.5.W43 2003

World economic plants in GRIN (USDA-ARS Germplasm Resources Information Network). J.H. Wiersema and B. Leon, Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory, ARS, USDA

World potato atlas. International Potato Center
Detailed production information arranged by country.  Focus on developing countries. 

World reference base for soil resources
FAO, International Society of Soil Science, International Soil Reference and Information Centre. 1998. 

Associations and Societies

American Agricultural Economics Association
American Horticultural Society
American Society of Agronomy
Association of Women in Agriculture
Canadian Society of Soil Science
Crop Science Society of America
CropLife America
Northeastern Weed Science Society
Weed Science Society of America

Statistical Resources

AgriBiz markets and analysis
From AgriBiz & Associates Inc.

Agricultural charts & maps
USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Agricultural prices
From the National Agricultural Statistics Service and provided through the USDA Economics, Statistics, and Market Information System available through Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University.

Agricultural statistics 1994-2008
From the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

AMS Market News
From the USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service.  Includes fruits, vegetables, dairy, livestock, grain, hay, and poultry reports.

Census of agriculture: 2002 + 2007 forms
Search by geographic region.

Crop values annual summary
Annual publication. From USDA Economics, Statistics, and Market Information System available through Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University..

Dairy programs - Market news - Weekly printed reports
From the USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service

Export/import statistics for bulk, intermediate, and consumer oriented (BICO) foods and beverages. United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service

Includes worldwide information on agricultural production and agricultural trade. Some data are more current than others.

Foreign agricultural trade of the United States (fatus)
A searchable database of U.S. agricultural exports and imports, set up by commodity.  Developed and maintained by the Economic Research Service, USDA

NASS (National Agricultural Statistics Service) state office websites. Maintained by USDA, NASS

Statistics by subject (commodity)
From the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service

USDA economics, statistics and market information system
Search for reports or datasets. Maintained by Mann Library, Cornell University.

U.S. state fact sheets
From USDA, Economic Research Service. Includes data on farm characteristics and farm financial indicators as well as population, employment, and income data. see Maine

USDA Funded Projects

Current Research Information System
A searchable database of U.S. Department of Agriculture funded research.  Search by keyword, investigator, agency, institution, state, and project status and type.  Many records include a list of publications resulting from the research.

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program database
A searchable database of SARE funded projects. Includes project name, amount of funding, and contact information.  If a Project Report is available, there is full-text access.  Note that approximately 1,800 projects have been funded through the SARE program since 1988.  Part of USDA's Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.

Weather Resources

Drought Monitor: Current Conditions
From the National Drought Mitigation Center. 

Weekly weather and crop bulletin
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Chief Economist

Virtual Libraries

Agricultural Network Information Center
Developed by the National Agricultural Library (NAL) and maintained by NAL, land-grant universities, and others.

AgZines: A harvest of free agricultural journals. United States Agricultural Information Network

BUBL Link  - Catalogue of Internet Resources

A Compendium of On-Line Soil Survey Information -  Digital Soil Survey
Compiled by D G Rossiter, ITC, The Netherlands.

Gateway to Internet resources. University of Manchester.  Many sites relevant to U.S.

National Agricultural Law Center. University of Arkansas School of Law. Includes bibliographies, farm bills, glossary, and AgLaw Reporter.

National Agricultural Library Catalog

National Soil Survey Center. USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Natural Resources Conservation Service. Soils Website. USDA

Weed Related WWW's & Other Weed Resources
Maintained by the International Weed Science Society

World Wide Web virtual library - Agriculture
Maintained by NSF Center for Integrated Pest Management, North Carolina State University

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