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Contracts data was last updated on November 31, 2008 for all 24 CFO Act agencies at this time.

Assistance data was last updated on December 23, 2008 for 20 of 24 CFO act agencies. Updates are currently pending for the following agencies: DHS, HHS, NRC and TREAS.

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Contracts to Contractors in Ohio 14 (Steven C. LaTourette)
(FY 2004)



Fiscal Year: 2004
Total dollars: $95,250,352
This Congressional District is ranked 344 among districts for this year.
Total number of contractors: 215
Total number of transactions: 1,963
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Extent of Competition Competition categories help link

Pie chart: in table form below
Available for everyone for competition$14,128,748
Everyone could compete, but only one bid or offer was recieved$26,352,442
Competition within a limited pool$9,943,404
Actions necessary to continue existing competitive contracts for continuity (until the next one could be competed)$129,023
Available only for groups such as disabled persons, prisoners, and regulated utilities$4,067,604
Not competed for an allowable reason$39,360,105
Not identified, soon to be addressed$1,269,025

Top 5 Known Congressional Districts where Work is Performed Known congressional district help link

Ohio 14 (Steven C. LaTourette)$2,251,841
District of Columbia nonvoting (Eleanor Holmes Norton)$597,160
Guam nonvoting (Madeleine Z. Bordallo)$226,970
California 2 (Wally Herger)$221,068
Arizona 4 (Ed Pastor)$173,847

Top 5 Products or Services Sold

Plate, Sheet, Strip, Foil; and Leaf$12,044,557
Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Foil; Nonferrous Base Metal$10,258,649
Hospital Furniture, Equipment, Utensils, and Supplies$9,439,717
Other Defense -- Applied Research and Exploratory Development (R&D)$7,034,699
Valves, Nonpowered$3,782,489

Top 5 Contracting Agencies Purchasing from Contractor(s)

NAVY, Department of the$30,882,046
ARMY, Department of the (except Corps of Engineers Civil Program Financing)$19,569,817
Defense Logistics Agency$16,399,919
VETERANS AFFAIRS, Department of$8,023,383
AIR FORCE, Department of the (Headquarters, USAF)$6,648,552

Top 10 Contractors

Clifton Steel Company$27,428,739
Steris Corporation$11,396,027
Strategic Technology Enterprise, Inc$8,667,778
T D Group Holdings LLC$4,226,140
Goodrich Corporation$3,413,377
Hunter Defense Holdings, Inc.$3,227,441
Rti International Metals, Inc.$3,075,000
Erie Affiliates Inc$2,876,093
The Davey Tree Expert Company$2,239,390
ThyssenKrupp AG$1,863,177


Bar chart: in table form below

2009 1Q * Partial year help link$260,188
*Note: FY 2009 only includes data for the first quarter.


This search was done on January 18, 2009.

The contracts database is compiled from the FPDS-NG system. For timeliness details, please see the Data Quality tab.

Note: The numbers in this table can change after each data load. Transactions included in a data load can impact numbers for the current and previous fiscal years.

The data housed on is provided by Federal agencies. Please refer to the Data Quality site for information about the current status of data quality. is continuously developing ways to measure and improve the quality of the data on the site.