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Registered Charity No. 1057719

Index of Common Names: R

Latin Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Common Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Abcess Root
Alaska Wild Rhubarb
Alpine Rock Cress
Alum Root
Alum Root
Alum Root
Alum Root
American Red Currant
American Red Elder
American Red Raspberry
Amur River Grape
Apple Rose
Baboon Root
Balsam Root
Baltic Rush
Banksia Rose
Beaumont's Root
Beth Root
Black Raspberry
Blood Root
Blue Wild Rye
Bog Rosemary
Broom Rape
Bur Reed
Burnet Rose
California Wild Rose
Californian Red Fir
Canadian Licorice Root
Canadian Wild Rye
Cancer Root
Cane Reed
Ceylon Raspberry
Cherokee Rose
China Root
China Rose
Chinese Rampion
Chinese Red Pine
Chinese Red Pine
Chinese Redbud
Chinese Rhubarb
Cinnamon Rose
Cluster Rose
Coastal Redwood
Colorado River Hemp
Common Reed
Common Rockrose
Coral Root
Corn Rocket
Cotton Rose
Cumberland Rosemary
Damask Rose
Dawn Redwood
Dog Rose
Downy Rattlesnake Plantain
Dudley's Rush
Dutch Rush
Dwarf Raspberry
Dwarf Red Blackberry
Dwarf Russian Almond
Egyptian Rue
False China Root
False Roselle
Fernleaf Licorice Root
Flowering Rush
Fodder Radish
French Rose
Giant Ragweed
Giant Reed
Giant Wild Rye
Goat's Rue
Golden Evergreen Raspberry
Golden Rain Tree
Grass-leaved Sweet Rush
Gravel Root
Green Rabbitbrush
Guelder Rose
Hairy Rupture Wort
Hard Rush
Herb Robert
Himalayan Rhubarb
Himalayan Rose
Himalayan Rose
Hulten's Licorice Root
Indian Cucumber Root
Indian Rape
Indian Rush-Pea
Italian Ryegrass
Japanese Raisin Tree
Japanese Raspberry
Japanese Red Pine
Japanese Rose
Jungle Rice
Kentish Red Cherry
Kohl Rabi
Labrador Rose
Lapland Rosebay
Large Leather Root
Large Russian Vetch
Lesser Meadow Rue
Liquorice Root
Liquorice Root
Loce Restorer
London Rocket
Low Prairie Rose
Mallee Riceflower
Manchurian Wild Rice
Manipur Wild-Tea Rose
Mauritius Raspberry
Memorial Rosa
Mountain Rice
Mountain Rue
Mountain Rye
Musk Root
Musk Rose
Native Rosella
Nepalese Raspberry
Nerve Root
Nerve Root
Nerve Root
Nootka Rose
Northern Rata
Oriental Radish
Papoose Root
Papoose Root
Pasture Rose
Perennial Ryegrass
Perennial Wall Rocket
Pleurisy Root
Porter's Licorice Root
Poverty Rush
Prairie Rose
Prairie Rose Gentian
Prickly Rose
Prickly Russian Thistle
Provence Rose
Putty Root
Rabbit-Eye Blueberry
Rabbiteye Blueberry
Ragged Robin
Rajmahal Hemp
Ramanas Rose
Rape Kale
Rat-Tail Radish
Rattlesnake Fern
Rattlesnake Root
Rattlesnake Weed
Rattlesnake Weed
Red Alder
Red Ash
Red Baneberry
Red Bay
Red Beech
Red Berry
Red Bilberry
Red Bloodwood
Red Bryony
Red Buckeye
Red Campion
Red Chokeberry
Red Clover
Red Coast Elder
Red Currant
Red Cypress-Pine
Red Dead Nettle
Red Dock
Red Elder
Red Elder
Red Elder
Red Fir
Red Glasswort
Red Goosefoot
Red Grape
Red Hailstone
Red Haw
Red Haw
Red Horse Chestnut
Red Hot Poker
Red Ironbark
Red Kiwi
Red Larkspur
Red Leg
Red Maple
Red Mulberry
Red Oak
Red Oat
Red Osier Dogwood
Red Pine
Red Raripila Mint
Red River Gum
Red Root
Red Silkweed
Red Spruce
Red Stringybark
Red Valerian
Red Wild Buckwheat
Red-Leafed Rose
Red-Seed Dandelion
Red-Veined Dock
Redwood Sorrel
Redwood Violet
Ressurection Fern
Rest Harrow
Resurrection Lily
Reverchon's Hawthorn
Ribwort Plantain
Rice Paper Plant
Rio Grande Cottonwood
Ripgut Brome
River Beauty
River Birch
River Bulrush
River Club-Rush
River Hawthorn
River She-Oak
River Willow
Riverbank Grape
Rivet Wheat
Rock Chestnut Oak
Rock Cinquefoil
Rock Clematis
Rock Cress
Rock Cress
Rock Elm
Rock Geranium
Rock Jasmine
Rock Maple
Rock Pine
Rock Red Currant
Rock Rose
Rock Rose
Rock Rose
Rock Samphire
Rock Spiraea
Rocket Candytuft
Rocky Mountain Beeplant
Rocky Mountain Chokecherry
Rocky Mountain Columbine
Rocky Mountain Iris
Rocky Mountain Juniper
Rocky Mountain Piñon
Rocky Mountain Raspberry
Rocky Mountain Strawberry
Roman Nettle
Roman Pimpernel
Roman Wormwood
Roof Iris
Root Mustard
Rose Balsam
Rose Geranium
Rose Moss
Rose Of Sharon
Rose Of Sharon
Rose Of Sharon
Rose Root
Rose-Scented Geranium
Rosebay Rhododendron
Rosebud Cherry
Rosegold Pussy Willow
Rosemary Mint
Rosin Weed
Rosin Weed
Rosy Garlic
Rough Bugleweed
Rough Hawkbit
Rough Pigweed
Rough-Barked Apple
Rough-Fruited Cinquefoil
Rough-Seed Buttercup
Roughleaf Dogwood
Round Kumquat
Round-Headed Leek
Round-Leaved Dock
Round-Leaved Dogwood
Round-Leaved Mint
Round-Leaved Wintergreen
Roundhead Lespedeza
Roundheaded Rampion
Roundleaf Leather Root
Roundleaf Serviceberry
Royal Fern
Rubber Dandelion
Rubber Rabbitbrush
Rubber Rabbitbrush
Ruby Saltbush
Rui Ren
Rum Cherry
Runner Bean
Rupture Wort
Rush Iris
Rush Milkweed
Russian Sage
Russian Tarragon
Russian Wormwood
Russian Wormwood
Russian Wormwood
Rusty Foxglove
Rusty Sallow
Sand Rice
Sea Radish
Sea Rocket
Sea Rocket
Seaside Ragwort
Senega Snake Root
Sharp Rush
Sikkim Rhubarb
Small Reed Mace
Smaller Red-Root
Smooth Withe Rod
Snake Root
Soft Rush
Southern Rata
Southern Red Oak
Southern Redcedar
Spiked Rampion
Spinach Rhubarb
Spiny Rest Harrow
Stone Root
Swamp Rose Mallow
Sweet Chestnut Rose
Sweet Reed Grass
Sweet Rocket
Syrian Rue
Tartarian Rhubarb
Tea Rose
Tobacco Root
Tobacco Root
Trailing Wild Raspberry
Turkey Rhubarb
Turkish Rocket
Unicorn Root
Virginia Rose
Volga Wild Rye
Wall Rocket
Wall Rue
Water Ribbons
Western Rattlesnake Plantain
Western Red Cedar
Western Redbud
Western Wild Rose
White Wall Rocket
Whitebark Raspberry
Wild Radish
Wild Raspberry
Wild Rhea
Wild Rice
Wild Rosemary
Withe Rod
Wood Rose
Yellow Rattle
Yellow Rocket

Latin Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Common Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

All the information contained in these pages is Copyright (C) Plants For A Future, 1996-2008.

Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567, 

HTML version prepared by Rich Morris - Home Page

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