
Link to Biotechnology in pest management infoLink to Crop and Livestock pest infoLink to Health, home indoor and structural pest infoLink to Invasive and Natural resource pest infoLink to Integrated Pest Management infoLink to Organic pest management infoLink to Ornamental, turf and greenhouse pest infoLink to Pesticide Info

link to PRO New England home page

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Site Map
      What's New

 INFO by Topic

Link to Biotechnology in pest management info


Link to Crop and Livestock pest infoCrop
& Livestock



Link to Health, home indoor and structural pest infoHealth
& Indoor



Link to Invasive and Natural resource pest infoInvasive



Link to Invasive and Natural resource pest info Integrated
Pest Mgmt.

& Biocontrol



Link to Organic pest management info Organic



Link to Ornamental, turf and greenhouse pest info


Link to Pesticide Info


 *SEARCH Fact Sheets

   Profiles &
     Strategic plans

  Pest Forecasts

 with pest answers






 New Hampshire


Rhode Island




 New England



   About PRO




  Pest Resources
Online -
he New England component of the Northeastern IPM Center


       Welcome toPest Resources Online






     This site provides pest management information useful for New Englanders. 


      Our goal is to help you understand pest issues and make informed choices.  Knowledge and communication are the keys to minimizing pest damage and pesticide risk.


      Check the left sidebar for Info on pest topics important in New England, and People to contact about pest issues.  The Search fact sheets link allows you search by keyword through over 1,100 pest management fact sheets produced in and for New England.


     The picture buttons in the top bar lead to Info pages for specific pest topics:  Biotech, Crops & Livestock, Health & Indoor, Invasive, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Organic, Ornamental, and Pesticides.

 pest management news and upcoming events.
""  What's New...



What's Inside


""  A list of contact persons in each state to answer your questions on a variety of pest management topics.

""  Private sector organizations involved with pest management issues in New England.

""  University and government programs addressing pest management.


"reporter cartoon"


""   New content developed for PRO New England:
    * Quick and simple searchable library of over 1,100 pest fact sheets created by and for New Englanders;

    * Comprehensive search of Northeast IPM resource database;
    * Pest management Surveys, Profiles, and Strategic plans;
    * Pest timing forecasts for New England locations.
  Concise lists of useful links for different New England pest topics:
     * Biotechnology in pest management
     * Crop & Livestock pests;
     * Health and Indoor pests;
     * Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

     * Invasive pests, and pests of Natural resources such as forests and lakes;
     * Organic pest management;
     * Ornamental, Turf, and Greenhouse pests;
     * Pesticides.



""  The feedback form gives you an easy and anonymous way to send your comments and suggestions for this web site or to suggest topics for future surveys, meetings, or pest forecast models.



 About PRONewEngland
What we are doing, and who is doing it.


Link to PRONewEngland home page
   Your feedback through a two-question mini-survey is greatly appreciated!
   Copyright 2007. University of Maine.

The PRO New England name and logo are trademarked in CT, MA, ME, NH, RI and VT.  Federal trademark pending.

Nondiscrimination statement, disability resources, nondisclosure statement.

This site is supported by funding from the Northeastern IPM Center.

Last updated:  June 06, 2008 12:18 PM

Web master:  Glen Koehler, University of Maine Cooperative Extension