World Intellectual Property Day

April 26, 2008

On World Intellectual Property Day this year, WIPO's focus is on celebrating innovation and promoting respect for intellectual property.  Promotional materials on this theme, including an IP Day message from WIPO Director General, Kamil Idris, have been dispatched to IP offices in Member States and to other interested organizations.  These are also available here for downloading:


Activities and Web Gallery

Member States and organizations are encouraged to send brief reports of the events and activities organized in their country to celebrate World IP Day to  Summaries of the reports are published on this site:

WIPO's new World IP Day Web Gallery displays colorful examples of posters and publicity materials from around the world.  IP Offices and organizations are invited to send copies of their posters, in PDF format, to  (WIPO regrets that it is not possible to display all posters submitted).




IP Outreach

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