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There are several ways to start a dialogue with the Spider ITX team – to discover if there’s a good match between your needs and our capabilities.  You can give us a call (607-275-3300), send an email inquiry, or fill out the form below to tell us about your project needs.
We’ll require one or more meetings with you to fully understand your needs so we can develop an appropriate proposal with accurate pricing.  However, a good place to start is with the information requested below. Answer the questions that are relevant, click “Request a Quote” to send us the info, and one of our staff will follow up with you.
*Contact Name:

How would you like to be contacted?
    E-mail Phone Snail Mail
1. What is this inquiry regarding?
   Redesign of existing site 
New site implementation 
   Hosting site 
   Marketing and Driving Traffic 
Search Engine Submission Services 
   Spam Filtering 
Network Advertising 
   Usability Analysis 
Creative Consultation 
2. What do you intend to use your site for? (Check all that apply.)
   Sales Support
   Customer Support
   Other - Please Explain:

3. List three sites that you find attractive, effective, or functional:

4. What do you anticipate to be the total budget for your web site application?
5. Please add any additional questions, comments or concerns below:

How did you hear about Spider ITX?
   Search Engine
   e-mail Newsletter
   Word of Mouth
   Radio Ad
   TV Ad

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