Department of Horticulture

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Department of Horticulture headline
photos of tomatoes, student with coneflowers, student using microscope to do research

The University of Kentucky Department of Horticulture conducts research, offers graduate and undergraduate programs of study, and delivers research-based technology and information to the nursery and landscape, vegetable, fruit, and floriculture industries, and to the general public through the Cooperative Extension Service. The Department of Horticulture emphasizes sustainable systems. Its mission is to discover new knowledge, develop and evaluate new technologies and appropriate use of environmental resources for horticultural crop production and utilization, and deliver information to horticultural clientele for improving the quality of life in Kentucky, the United States, and the world.

Virtual Garden Advisor is an interactive site established to provide a source of reliable and up to date horticulture and gardening information through a knowledge base of commonly asked questions. allows you to search for answers to questions already asked by other gardeners, or to ask new questions.

New Features!
Kentucky Vegetable Growers' Newsletter is a periodic newsletter for the state's vegetable industry.

Web site for Seth DeBolt's Plant Biology Lab

Horticultural Opportunities
PowerPoint presentations on a variety of topics are now available. For a list of presentations, click here.

K-12 Teacher Resources Update
The Department of Horticulture K-12 Teacher Resources Web site has been updated to include dichotomous keys, which can be used to identify Kentucky native trees. The site, which still offers information about butterfly gardens, is not limited to teachers, as anyone who is interested in plants should find it interesting.

WARNING: Some Web sites to which these materials provide links for the convenience of users are not managed by the University of Kentucky. The university does not review, control or take responsibility for the contents of those sites.

link to Severe Weather Shelter locations in Plant Sciences Building View Severe Weather Safeplaces for Plant Sciences Building View Severe Weather Safeplaces for Agricultural Science Center North

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This site was last updated on February 27, 2008

Copyright © 2007, University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture

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Department of Horticulture Strategic Plan (PDF)

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