goat radishes and sunflower green beans

Mission Statement
To empower and inspire farmers, individuals, and communities in the South to create an agricultural system that is ecologically sound, economically viable, socially just, and humane. Because sustainable solutions depend on the involvement of the entire community, Southern SAWG is committed to including all persons in the South without bias.

Resources for Farmers and Organizations
Click the links below to go directly to the web sites of organizations offering disaster relief assistance for farmers.

Farmers' Legal Action Group (FLAG)

FLAG has published Farmers' Guide to Disaster Assistance which clearly describes the federal disaster assistance programs that are available to help farmers facing property, production, and income losses due to disaster. The book includes detailed citations to applicable statutes, rule, and policies to help farmers and their advisors understand and obtain federal disaster assistance.  FLAG, Inc. also publishes several other useful resources for farmers facing economic crises due to drought, flood, and other disasters.

US Department of Agriculture Disaster Relief

USDA provides several assistance programs.  Find a breakdown of these programs and links to other resources by clicking here.

Texas Community-Building with Attorney Resources (C-BAR)

Texas C-BAR has provided a legal library with links to publications and other resources relevant to nonprofits and farmers dealing with disaster relief and other legal issues.  View the library at:



If you are aware of other disaster relief and recovery resources for farmers, please email info to: info@ssawg.org

Disaster Relief Organizations

Please click the links to find out more.

New Orleans Food and Farm Network

NOFFN works on a variety of food systems issues in the Greater New Orleans area.  Find out more about the situation and their response at http://www.noffn.org.

Southern Mutual Help Association Rural Recovery Fund

SMHA, based in New Iberia, Louisiana, has a proven 36 year history of work with farmers and fishers in South Louisiana, including areas hardest hit by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.  SMHA is continuing its support of the recovery and rebuilding effort in these rural areas.


The Federation of Southern Cooperatives

The Federation, and their partner - the Mississippi Association of Cooperatives - provide assistance to farmers in Mississippi and other rural areas of the South.  Contact them through the Federation of Cooperatives web site at:


Farm Aid Disaster Fund

Farm Aid channels emergency assistance to farm families devastated by weather related and other disasters. Farm Aid activated the Family Farm Disaster Fund to encourage donations so that farm families can get the recovery assistance they need to continue farming.



Heifer International

Heifer works to provide whatever immediate assistance it can, and plans for short- and long-term assistance for project partners, volunteers and Heifer affiliates.

Find more information on the web at http://www.heifer.org.

Additional information will be added as it becomes available.  If you have info to share, please send an email to:info@ssawg.org



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