Sow the Seeds Fund
A project of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
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Podcast on Season Extension

Listen to a podcast interview by the Minneapolis Star Tribune with IATP's JoAnne Berkenkamp on the value of hoop houses in extending the growing season for fruits and vegetables.

Farmer Blogs

carrotsWant to learn more about how local produce is grown in Minnesota? We encourage you to check out some of the following Farm Blogs.

Donate to STS

Help support the "Local Longer" campaign by donating to Sow the Seeds.

If you prefer to send your donation by mail, please make your check out to "IATP." Write "Sow the Seeds" in the memo line of the check.

2105 First Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Sow the Seeds' "Local Longer" Campaign

Imagine serving lush local tomatoes at your next Thanksgiving dinner. How about locally grown strawberries on Memorial Day? Sow the Seeds wants to make these dreams a reality by helping area farmers develop a longer growing season, and, in the process, create a more vibrant and diverse local food system.

Sow the Seeds' "Local Longer" campaign is helping make the local produce season longer for farmers and for shoppers who love local food. By enabling farmers to plant earlier in the Spring and harvest later in the Fall, season extension can help farm businesses grow and the supply of locally grown fruits and vegetables expand.

The History of Sow the Seeds

Begun in 2006, the Sow the Seeds initiative fosters sustainable food systems in the Upper Midwest. Sow the Seeds was initiated by The Wedge Community Co-op and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy to educate and engage members of the public while supporting local, sustainable food production.

In August 2007, Southeast Minnesota, Southwest Wisconsin and Northeast Iowa were hit by "once in 500 year" floods (View our video). A special Sow the Seeds Flood Relief project was launched to help farmers affected by this natural disaster. Over $390,000 was raised and distributed to more than 30 farms that applied to the Flood Relief fund. Thanks to all of you who contributed so generously to that effort.


© 2008 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. All rights reserved.

Above graphic: Detail from Minnesota State Fair poster, c. 1920. Courtesy Minnesota Historical Society.