Operation Fresh Start

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Using Sustainable Technologies To Recover From Disaster

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Operation Fresh Start is designed to empower individuals and communities as they recover from hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters by providing resources and tools that can help rebuild communities, businesses, and homes using sustainable principles and technologies. Use the links located on the left to explore the many valuable resources available on this Web site.

Several organizations, agencies and businesses are fostering sustainable recovery and rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. Some online resources are linked below, ranging from news postings to restoration plans for individual buildings, neighborhoods, or regions. Someof these endeavors invite professional or pubic input in the recovery process, while others function as technical resources for environmentally, economically, and socially just rebuilding.

American Planning Association
APA has created a special web section, Response to the Devastation from Hurricane Katrina, that offers information on how APA and its members are involved in helping communities recover and plan for the future. The site offers reports from post-hurricane planning events, a collection of news coverage, and information on services offered by AICP's Planning Assistance Teams.

Architectural Record
In its Hurricane Katrina Special Feature, Architectural Record publishes new material on the challenge of rebuilding and reprises its print coverage. Topics addressed include planning charrettes, temporary housing, and two International Competitions sponsored by Architectural Record and Tulane University to generate housing proposals for New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

LouisianaRebuilds.info was established to be a trusted, online destination for residents affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita by providing critical information for those who have returned home as well as those who are still displaced. This site helps Louisiana residents wherever they are get up-to-date information about what is happening in our city(s); understand what resources are available to help stabilize their lives; access critical recovery and rebuilding assistance and support; and have a voice in our community’s developing future.

Louisiana Recovery Authority
The Louisiana Recovery Authority is the planning and coordinating body that was created by the state’s governor to plan for the recovery and rebuilding of Louisiana. Activities of Louisiana’s Long-Term Planning Team, which includes Calthorpe Associates, Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company, and Urban Design Associates, are reported on this site.

Louisiana Speaks
Louisiana’s Long-Term Planning Team is collecting public input on planning for rebuilding through planning sessions held in numerous communities. Their website includes a multimedia library that provides downloadable materials related to Louisiana long-term recovery planning.

Mississippi Renewal Forum
The Governor’s Commission on Recovery, Rebuilding, and Renewal provides the final reports from the Mississippi Renewal Forum, including plans for rebuilding specific communities and reports on specific aspects of rebuilding, such as a model code, architectural planning pattern book, and other topics. News and events related to rebuilding are also posted.

National Trust for Historic Preservation
In its Hurricane Recovery Updates section, the National Trust offers extensive resources for returning homeowners on treating and repairing flood-damaged buildings. In addition, reports from the field document some of the work the National Trust is doing to facilitate the renovation of damaged structures and secure aid for homeowners.

New Urban Guild
As part of its Tool Foundry the New Urban Guild provides several Hurricane Katrina Renewal Tools, ranging from consumer information on designing or rebuilding a home to innovative plans for emergency housing that honors the regional design vernacular and uses resources efficiently.

Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing
On its website, PATH offers information resources for repairing hurricane-damaged homes and for building storm-resistant new homes. These include information on specific materials, strategies and technologies that can be used in building to improve storm resistance, repairing existing homes, recovering from floods, and speeding the rebuilding process.

Post Disaster Green Reconstruction Forum
This Web site is a companion to the Post Disaster Green Reconstruction Forum, a mailing list for discussing strategies and projects for rebuilding after disasters such as Hurricane Katrina. The site posts documents related to forum discussion and reconstruction planning.





Please Help
Consider donating to the ongoing Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. The following two organizations are examples of nonprofits that are helping farmers in the South.

Federation of Southern Cooperatives: Land Assistance Fund

Southern Mutual Help Association - Rural Recovery Fund
Hurricane Assistance for Agricultural Producers
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