Missouri Alternatives Center Resource Collection

To search the MAC Additional Resources please select your topic of interest from the categories below.

      Alternative Farming Systems
      Economic development and community life
      Farm and business
      Education and research

MAC utilizes many resources to find accurate and research based information on alternatives in agriculture. However, there are many alternatives with very little or no research based information. MAC has gone through great lengths in trying to locate information. Through this process, MAC has purchased many resources.

Since MAC serves as a communications center for Missouri farmers, Extension staff, government personnel and people who want to begin farming, diversify their current operation, or find ways to profit from small amounts of acreage, we decided to make these resources searchable via the web. If you are interested in any of these resources that are university or government related, MAC can help you locate them. If they are not university or government related, check with your local library and ask them about interlibrary loans or search for these resources at bookstores in your town or on the web.

Disclaimer: The resources listed in this section are for your education only. MAC assumes no liability for accuracy with non-university or governmental materials. Mention of commercial enterprises or brand names does not constitute endorsement or imply preference by the Missouri Alternatives Center or any of its sponsors. Failure to list a resource, a particular enterprise or brand name does not imply criticism.

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