Public Outreach

Through public outreach activities, WIPO works to spread better understanding of the intellectual property (IP) system and of its role in stimulating creativity and innovation.

IP awareness-raising has become a priority for many Member States, which share the conviction that  the more widely IP is understood and respected, the more effectively it can be used to contribute to economic and cultural prosperity.

Working with Member States and with partner organizations, WIPO seeks to communicate a better knowledge of - and respect for - IP rights to a broad public.   WIPO also produces outreach materials tailored for specific target audiences, such as small businesses, artists, research institutions and young people. To reach this diverse public,  WIPO uses diverse means, from the Internet, film and the press, to events, seminars and publications.


Planning an Outreach Campaign

The IP Outreach Tools are an online resource, designed to assist IP offices and organizations in the practical planning and implementation of outreach campaigns. They consist of an IP Outreach Guide, an Outreach in Practice Database and a Research Database.


Publications, Films and Multimedia

  • Webcast. Watch WIPO's colorful outreach films, in which musicians, film-makers, inventors and entrepreneurs talk about their work and about what IP means to them.
  • Free Publications. An extensive range of WIPO publications, grouped by subject matter, is available free of charge.
  • E-Bookshop contains the complete catalogue of WIPO's paid publications.
  • WIPO Magazine reports on WIPO-led activities, and contains lively features articles showing innovation, creativity and IP at work worldwide. (Available in English, French and Spanish) 


WIPO Awards

The WIPO Awards are designed to celebrate the achievements of inventors, creators and innovative companies around the world, and to help foster a culture in which innovation and creativity are encouraged at all levels. Publicity generated by the WIPO Awards also contributes to promoting a wider understanding of the IP system among potential users, as well as among the general public.


World Intellectual Property Day

On April 26 each year, WIPO joins IP offices and organizations around the world in celebrating  World Intellectual Property Day. Details of this year's theme, the message from the Director General, promotional materials, and reports on the activities organized in Member States are published on the website.


IP Outreach

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