Intellectual Property for Development

WIPO works to assist all nations, particularly developing and least developed countries, to use the intellectual property (IP) system to promote economic, social and cultural development.  WIPO's extensive activities in support of development goals are guided by the strategic goals and objectives agreed by Member States in the Program and Budget document.

The regional bureaus of the Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Sector work closely with the divisions of the more recently established Office for the Strategic Use of IP for Development (OSUIPD) to respond to increased demand from Member States for assistance in optimizing the economic value of IP, and in integrating IP into national development policies.

Key areas of activity include:

  • Support Member States in technology transfer programs, especially by building capacity in critical areas such as technology licensing and patent drafting.
  • Work with Member States on IP strategies to foster innovation, and to promote the creation, ownership, and exploitation of IP assets.
  • Provision of support, expertise and economic analysis to enable policy makers to formulate appropriate policies in response to existing and emerging IP issues.
  • Technical cooperation to help national IP offices modernize their office automation and human resources infrastructure, and to assist in drafting IP legislation.

IP for Development

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