Free Information Products

Please note that the information in this page does not include official WIPO documents. We suggest that you use the following links in WIPO's main web site for more information on WIPO Administered Treaties, the PCT system, the Hague System, and the Madrid System.


Latest publications:

  • PATENTSCOPE® - WIPO Guide to Using Patent Information
    English, pdf: PATENTSCOPE® - WIPO Guide to Using Patent Information French, pdf: PATENTSCOPE® - Guide de l'OMPI sur l'utilisation de l'information en matière de brevets

  • PATENTSCOPE® - Priority Document Access Service - An Introduction
    English, pdf: PATENTSCOPE® - Priority Document Access Service - An Introduction French, pdf: PATENTSCOPE® - Service d'accès aux documents de priorité - Présentation générale

  • Catalogue of Products - September 2008
    English, pdf: Catalogue of Products - September 2008

  • World Patent Report - A Statistical Review (2008 Edition )
    English, pdf: World Patent Report - A Statistical Review (2008 Edition )

  • The International Patent System in 2007 - PCT Yearly Review
    English, pdf: The International Patent System in 2007 - PCT Yearly Review Spanish, pdf: El sistema internacional de patentes en 2007 - Reseña anual del PCT French, pdf: Le système international des brevets en 2007 - Revue annuelle du PCT


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