




WIPO Worldwide Academy

The WIPO Worldwide Academy was founded in March 1998 by the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Dr. Kamil Idris in response to demand for knowledge and skills in intellectual property (IP). It serves as a center of excellence in teaching, training and research in IP. Its programs cater to different target audiences - inventors and creators, business managers and IP professionals, policy makers and government officials of IP institutions, diplomats and representatives, students and teachers of intellectual property and the civil society.

Its objectives are achieved through five core programs - professional training, distance learning, policy development, teaching and research, education and degree. The tailor-made programs, including its distance learning with more than 70,000 participants since its inception in 1999, benefit large numbers of people from all walks of life.

The Academy seeks to continuously stay innovative by offering new programs to keep up with the ever-changing IP landscape. It also aims to promote international cooperation for enhancing IP human capital through global networking with stakeholders and partners.

WIPO Worldwide Academy

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