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For Immediate Release

Contact: Tina Jordan

Ph: 212-255-0200, ext. 263


New Date, Location Announced for AAP 10th Anniversary

Smaller and Independent Publishers 2008 Annual Meeting

Thursday, July 24, 2008. The Association of American Publishers (AAP) Smaller and Independent Publishers Committee (SIP) today announced the new date and location for its previously scheduled 10th Anniversary 2008 Smaller and Independent Publishers Annual Meeting. The new date and location are now set for Friday, November 7, 2008 at the Scholastic Auditorium in New York City.

The AAP/SIP program, entitled “Starting….Growing…Maturing….How to Successfully Navigate the Life Cycles of an Independent Publishing House,” is intended to give smaller and independent presses the tools they need to develop successful long-term growth and entrepreneurial strategies. Sessions will focus on organic growth, growth through acquisition, labor and capital, changing technologies, employee ownership, and distribution decisions, among other subjects.

Entitled “How To Successfully Navigate the Life-Cycles of an Independent Publishing House,” the AAP SIP morning will begin with an opening keynote featuring insights, education and anecdotes on topics ranging from how to handle a bestseller, finding capital and labor, mergers and acquisitions, distribution and more, featuring successful independent publishers Morgan Entrekin, President & Publisher of Grove Atlantic; George Gibson, Publisher, Walker & Co., A Division of Bloomsbury USA, and Charlie Winton, Chairman and Publisher, Counterpoint Press. The AAPS’ winner of the Annual Miriam Bass Award for Creativity in Successful Publishing will also be presented to Brooklyn, NY-based Archipelago Books by Jed Lyons, President & CEO, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. and National Book Network.

The event will close with a powerful “Meet The Distributors” panel discussion featuring Julie Schaper, President, Consortium; Marianne Bohr, Senior Vice President, National Book Network; Marc Suchomel, President, Independent Publishers Group; Janet McDonald, Vice President, Client Acquisitions, Ingram Book Group; and Susan Reich, President, PGW.


Throughout the day, sessions addressing Successful Startups; Successful Growth (organically and through acquisition); Marketing When You Don’t have a Large Budget; Going Green; Print On Demand, Copyright, and Repurposing Content will be among the other issues discussed. Cost is $145 for AAP members; $245 for nonmembers.

The full program and registration can be found here.

The Association of American Publishers is the national trade association of the U.S. book publishing industry. AAP’smore than300 members include most of the major commercial publishers in the United States, as well as smaller and non-profit publishers, university presses and scholarly societies—small and large. AAP members publish hardcover and paperback books in every field, educational materials for the elementary, secondary, postsecondary, and professional markets, scholarly journals, computer software, and electronic products and services. The protection of intellectual property rights in all media, the defense of the freedom to read and the freedom to publish at home and abroad, and the promotion of reading and literacy are among the Association’s highest priorities.

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