High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine Homepage

ISSN 1424-2729

Editorial Board
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Open-Access Journals
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This webzine was launched in March 2000. It aims to discuss issues relevant to high energy physics libraries from the point of view of both information workers and library clients. A secondary aim is to give librarians the opportunity to experience the world of electronic publishing from the inside - if you would like to be involved please contact the Editorial Board
Issue 13/ October 2006
Issue 12/ March 2006
Issue 11/ August 2005
Issue 10/ December 2004
Issue 9/ March 2004
Issue 8/ October 2003
Issue 7/ April 2003
Issue 6/ March 2002
Issue 5 / November 2001
Issue 4 / June 2001
Issue 3 / March 2001
Issue 2 / October 2000
Issue 1 / March 2000

Maintained by: HEPLW Team
Last modified: 29 October 2006