Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Clearinghouse acf home privacy policy


FY 2009 Low-Income Energy Programs
Federal | Utility | Charitable


LIHEAP Contact
Public Inquiries: 1-866-411-1877
Website: www.okdhs.org/programsandservices/liheap/

Local LIHEAP Administering Agency Contacts

LIHEAP FY 2009 Funding
$49,007,158 - regular block grant
$3,871,078 - emergency contingency funds

LIHEAP Income Eligibility Level

130% Federal Poverty Level

LIHEAP FY 2009 Benefit
Heating: $286 maximum

LIHEAP Households Served
(Estimates for FY 2007)
Heating: 87,520
Cooling: 32,632

LIHEAP Program Dates
Heating: December 1 - December 19
Cooling: July 16 - August 1
Crisis: March 16 - March27
Life-threatening medical crisis: Year-round


Low-Income Rate Assistance

Oklahoma Gas & Electric
LIHEAP customers pay the regular residential rate for the first 600 kWhs used and then receive a credit of $0.67 per kWh from November through April.
405-272-9741 Oklahoma City or 1-800-272-9741

Oklahoma Natural Gas
LIHEAP customers receive a reduced gas bill which averages $5.03 a month during the winter months (October through April) and $4.26 during the summer months (May through September).

Emergency Charitable Assistance

Please note these charitable funds are last resort emergency funds with limited resources and limited times of operation.

America Electric Power
Light A Life
Customer and AEP donations are distributed through the Salvation Army.

Canadian Valley Electric Cooperative
Operation Roundup
Member donations provide funds to assist individuals and organizations with medical care, food, clothing, housing, educational assistance and other needed services that are not being met by other agencies.
Contact Bob Weaver or Darla Furr at 405-382-3680

Indian Electric Cooperative
Operation Round Up
Member donations assist organizations and individuals with a variety of worthy causes throughout the service area.
918-358-2514 or 1-800-482-2750

Northeast Oklahoma Electric Cooperative
Operation Round-Up
In 1998, Northeast Electric launched the Operation Round-Up program. Collected money is placed into a benevolence fund and overseen by the Northeast Electric Cooperative Trust Foundation, Inc. The funds that accumulate in the foundation will be distributed to individuals and organizations which prove to be worthy of the funds. Proper application for funds must be made, and the governing board of trustees (separate from the cooperative's board) will determine who will receive assistance.

Oklahoma Electric Cooperative
Operation Round-Up
Member donations provide assistance to individuals and organizations experiencing hardships. An applicant is not required to be a member of OEC to receive assistance but must live in OEC's service area. 
Contact Patti Rogers at progers@okcoop.org or 405-717-4508 for application deadlines.
Download an application at www.okcoop.org/community//individual.pdf

Oklahoma Gas & Electric
Customer contributions are forwarded to the Salvation Army which distributes the money to help pay for electricity, gas, fuel or firewood.

Oklahoma Natural Gas
Share the Warmth
Customer donations assist persons over 62 and persons with disabilities in addition to others with inadequate cash resources for home-heating needs. Funds may be used to pay electric and propane if it is the main source of energy used to heat the home. Apply at the nearest Salvation Army.

Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO)
LIGHT A LIFE Energy Fund
Contributions come from customers of PSO who also pay administrative costs. Donations from the community may go directly to the Salvation Army, which administers and distributes the fund.  

Page Last Updated: November 12, 2008