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Rubus spp.


R. idaeus, Raspberry - Synonyms: American red raspberry, Black-cap, Black raspberry, Purple raspberry, Thimbleberry

Food and feed crops of the United States—Magness, J.R., G.M. Markle, C.C. Compton. 1971.

R. occidentalis, Black raspberry

Temperate Berry Crops—Chad Finn

Food and feed crops of the United States—Magness, J.R., G.M. Markle, C.C. Compton. 1971.

R. idaeus, Blackberry - Synonyms: Boysenberry, Brambles, Dewberry, Loganberry, Olallieberry

Temperate Berry Crops—Chad Finn

Food and feed crops of the United States—Magness, J.R., G.M. Markle, C.C. Compton. 1971.

R. glaucus, Mora de Castilla

Temperate Berry Crops—Chad Finn

Hybrid berries

Temperate Berry Crops—Chad Finn

Food and feed crops of the United States—Magness, J.R., G.M. Markle, C.C. Compton. 1971.

Outside links:

Blackberries (Rubus ursinus and related species, hybrids) from the University of Georgia.

Lost Crops of the Incas from National Academy Press
Mora de Castilla (Rubus glaucus)
Giant Columbian Blackberry (Rubus macrocarpus)
Mora de Rocota (Rubus roseus)
Mora Común (Rubus adenotrichus)

Small Fruit—FAO/IBPGR Technical Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Small Fruit Germplasm—Link to the publication on the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute web site