University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
December 04, 2008
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ANR Coordinating Conferences: Purpose and Operations  

April 2005

Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) academics may request ANR workgroup funds to support the formation and operation of “coordinating conferences,” which typically coordinate the activities of a number of closely related workgroups (e.g., “PECC,” the coordinating conference for pomology), or serve as a forum for sharing information in one of the Division’s major subject matter areas (e.g., “NRCC,” the natural resources coordinating conference). Meetings of the coordinating conferences are also an opportunity for meetings of workgroups in the subject matter area, and provide an opportunity for development of extension, research or outreach programs that involve the members of multiple workgroups. Click here for ANR Coordinating Conference Directory.


Coordinating conferences bring together department Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) faculty and Cooperative Extension (CE) specialists, CE advisors, and selected clientele in a Divisionwide forum to promote effective communication and interaction among the members and to promote statewide programmatic coordination of research and outreach activities relating to a major subject matter or commodity area. The objectives of a coordinating
conference are to:

  • Foster interactions, communication, and collaboration across traditional inter-campus, interdisciplinary and inter-departmental boundaries, and among campus and county-based academic staff.
  • Create a more visible and active focal point - both within and outside the University - for research and outreach activities.
  • Facilitate the formation and activities of appropriate workgroups addressing targeted areas within the overall programmatic area.
  • Provide leadership for addressing crosscutting issues.


A Chair, who may be assisted by a steering committee, administers coordinating conferences. Coordinating conferences are typically annual events, and usually include presentations on emerging issues while providing an opportunity for discussion of crosscutting issues identified by the associated workgroups. The annual meeting is an opportunity for relevant workgroups to meet, and also discuss the formation of necessary new workgroups within the subject matter area. During the annual conference, members of the coordinating conference also typically develop plans for collaborative research and outreach activities.


Academics interested in developing a coordinating conference should discuss their proposal with the relevant Program Leader(s). Proposals will be accepted at the time of the annual submission of workgroup proposals usually in the Spring of each year.

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