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“Strengthening our Food and Agricultural Economy”

You can help build a Montana-based food system

Organizations can become a Grow Montana ally

Individuals can sign-up for the Montana Food and Agriculture listserv to stay posted on ways to be involved in developing Montana’s food system.

What's New

Farm to Cafeteria Connections

We are a network of foodservice professionals, farmers and ranchers, and leaders in Montana's local food movement who are working together to create and grow Farm to Cafeteria programs in Montana. We will accomplish this by learning from each other's experiences and providing simple and easily accessible resources to anyone interested in serving local foods in our institutions. Read More »

Montana's Food System in Change

This 10-minute video tells the history of Montana's food system from a time when the state's farmers and ranchers produced most of Montanans' food--through agriculture's shift to commodity production for export following WWII. The story describes the rise of hunger in Montana and suggests a return to producing food for local consumption as a possible path to economic revitalization and food security.

This video was produced for the March 2007 Montana Governor's Summit on Food and Agriculture by the summit planning committee, with production completed under the auspices of the Montana Department of Agriculture by Murmax Productions of Power, Mont. To order copies of the DVD please contact debbier at ncat dot org.

Please click the arrow to watch the video.
(Approx. 10min in length)

Montana Food Corps

FoodCorps members create and develop farm to cafeteria programs in local schools and colleges. Through farm to cafeteria programs, schools and colleges buy locally-grown food in order to strengthen Montana’s agricultural economy, while also serving healthy, delicious food to students.

If you need more information...
We've put together this FAQ page.
more about the success of last year's FoodCorps

Action Groups Form to Support Montana Food for Montanans!
Over 50 people gathered in Great Falls on November 16th and 17th, 2007 to help address some of the Montana food system needs identified at the March 2007 Governor's Summit on Food and Agriculture. Read more ››

Grow Montana Coalition Receives National Award
(9/24/07) Grow Montana, has been selected by the Glynwood Center as the recipient of its 2007 Glynwood Good Neighbor Harvest Award. Read more ››

Schweitzer signs billMontana Food to Institutions becomes law!
On May 18th, Governor Schweitzer signed into law a bill that helps Montana's schools, colleges, and prisons buy Montana-produced food. Learn more »»

Grow Montana enjoys successful legislative session in 2007. Learn more »»


Food Production * Hunger Reduction

On March 22-23, nearly 300 Montanans generated policy and action plans for creating a Montana-based food system.

Read the New West article


About Grow Montana

Grow Montana is a broad-based coalition whose COMMON PURPOSE is:

To promote community economic development policies that support sustainable Montana-owned food production, processing, and distribution, and that improve all of our citizens' access to Montana foods. Learn more.


Grow Montana Steering Committee Members

AERO Logo Mission Mountain Food Center Montana Farmers Union
Montana Food Bank Network Nation Center for Appropriate Technology Stranie Ventures, LLC
University of Montana The UM Farm to College Program Artemis Common Ground


Did You Know?

If each household in Montana spent just $10 a week on Montana-produced food, we would redirect $186 million dollars each year to the state's food producers.

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