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National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)

Growing Farmers Small Farm Initiative


This website was begun as a way for farmers, market managers, extensionists, researchers and others to connect and share information, questions and event news across Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

We also have a listserv that was created to communicate and follow-up up with participants in trainings, a tour and other events held by NCAT, The Mississippi Department of Agriculture, and others as part of the Kellogg Growing Farmers initiative.

If you are interested in the Growing Farmers listserv, please address an email to Thanks!

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How can we help you?

Farmers Market Food Stamp EBT Project
Oilseeds for Fuel, Feed and the Future
Oilseed photo: NREL, Warren Gretz.
Find news and workshop schedules for this Montana biofuels project.
ATTRA Master Publications List
A comprehensive listing of ATTRA publications focused on all aspects of sustainable agriculture and organic farming.
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