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Temperate Agroforester

May 2006


News of the science and practice of temperate agroforestry in North America, brought to you by the Association for Temperate Agroforestry (AFTA).

  • April edition of Temperate Agroforester is now o­nline.
  • Pre-release sale of book Towards Agroforestry Design: an Ecological Approach
  • New book available in Agroforester's Bookshop o­n Woodland Medicinals
  • Managing Agricultural Landscapes for Environmental Quality Workshop
  • NAC Now Has An Updated Website

April edition of Temperate Agroforester is now o­nline

The latest issue of the Temperate Agroforester is now available for o­nline viewing and features a variety of stories about agroforestry: a summary of the Silvoarable Agroforestry for Europe (SAFE) Project reports how trees could be maintained or re-introduced in agricultural systems in Europe, followed by specific perspectives from France and The Netherlands; a story about microscale farming in Russia, and a review of a new book about important medicinals valuable for forest farming.

Pre-release sale of book Towards Agroforestry Design: an Ecological Approach

The Agroforester's Bookshop is pleased to announce a pre-release sale of Towards Agroforestry Design: an Ecological Approach. This is the fourth title in a new series, Advances in Agroforestry, from Springer. The first title, New Vistas in Agroforestry and the second title, Valuing Agroforestry Systems, were both published in 2004 and are available from our website. The third title, Tropical Homegardens, will be available this summer. The publisher has offered AFTA members a substantial discount of 33% off list price. Expected delivery is December 2006. Taking pre-release discounted orders until July 14, 2006. Payment is required with order. Please visit the Agroforester's Bookshop to order. More details at

Growing and Marketing Ginseng, Goldenseal and Other Woodland Medicinals

New book available in Agroforester's Bookshop: Growing and Marketing Ginseng, Goldenseal and Other Woodland Medicinals, published by Bright Mountain Books. This book covers recommended methods of growing and marketing ginseng, goldenseal, ramps, black cohosh, bethroot, bloodroot, blue cohosh, false unicorn, galax, mayapple, pinkroot, spikenard, wild ginger, wild indigo, and other native woodland medicinals. Also includes plant botany and usage, best management practices, and present market conditions, as well as personal success stories, references, resources, and a unique disease list.

Managing Agricultural Landscapes for Environmental Quality Workshop

The Soil and Water Conservation Society has organized a workshop o­n environmental quality. The workshop will be held at the Westin Crown Center Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri from October 11-13, 2006. The primary objective is to bring together individuals in the technical and scientific communities who are working to quantify the environmental benefits of conservation practices o­n agricultural land at landscape and/or watershed scales. The workshop will involve agronomists, soil scientists, biologists, ecologists, hydrologists, economists, sociologists, engineers, and others working to improve conservation practices in a variety of fields. The deadline for the call for papers is June 1.

NAC Now Has an Updated Web

The USDA’s National Agroforestry Center just released an updated website. New features include an image gallery dedicated to agroforestry in the United States and an NAC blog that covers agroforestry related news and issues. The o­nline image gallery provides high quality images in various resolutions for anyone interested in promoting agroforestry. The updated site is intended to bring NAC research papers and those supported by the NAC into o­ne location for easy access and review.

Thanks to the following correspondents and sources for the information they contributed this month: USDA, NAC, SWCS, AFTA, Bright Mountain Books.

Please tell us about agroforestry-related news from your area or institution. We welcome your contributions of photos and/or news about useful information sources (in print and o­nline), education and training opportunities, research or demonstration projects, success stories, etc. For submission guidelines, please visit Contact the Newsline editor by e-mailing

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