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Temperate Agroforester

October, 2004



News of the science and practice of temperate agroforestry in North

America, brought to you by the Association for Temperate Agroforestry





* Latest Issue of “The Temperate Agroforester”

* Log-on to the Temperate Agroforestry Forum

* Agroforestry Research Trust Catalog

* Black Walnut Resource Inventory

* Policy Report o­n 2002 Farm Bill Programs

* o­nline Guide to Direct Marketing




Latest Issue of “The Temperate Agroforester”

The October, 2004 issue of The Temperate Agroforester is now available o­n the AFTA website. AFTA’s first President, Mike Gold, traces the organization’s history over its first fifteen years. Linda Meschke describes the initiative in Minnesota to encourage farmers to plant alternative crops that have less impact o­n water quality than corn and soybean cultivation. Toso Bozic introduces the Woodlot Extension Program in Alberta, and Jan Jackson tells how sheep are used to graze a hybrid poplar plantation. Finally, a local county is offering landowners more flexibility to choose buffer incentive programs that balance commerce with cost-share.


Log-on to the Temperate Agroforestry Forum

AFTA invites all readers of the Agroforestry Newsline to visit the Temperate Agroforestry Forum. The Forum is an o­nline meeting place for anyone interested in agroforestry education, demonstration, research and practice. It is easy to register, log-in and add to existing topics or add new topics. The more people who participate in the Forum, the more useful it will be.


Agroforestry Research Trust Catalog

The latest catalog of the Agroforestry Research Trust of Devonshire, England lists hundreds of species and cultivars useful for agroforestry plantings. They can ship both plants and seed to most countries, except the US and Canada due to plant quarantine restrictions. A wide variety of books, species monographs and back issues of “Agroforestry News” are available for purchase.


Black Walnut Resource Inventory

The volume of black walnut (Juglans nigra) in natural stands in the US increased by 33 percent from 1989 to 1999, according to a report published in the latest Walnut Council Bulletin. Stephen Shifley, at the USDA Forest Service North Central Research Station, used national forest inventory data to survey black walnut inventory o­n a state-by-state basis. Software to create maps based o­n this data is available o­nline at For a copy of the report, “Black Walnut Resource in the United States,” by Stephen Shifley, published in the October, 2004 “Walnut Council Bulletin,” contact John Siefert, Editor, PO Box 216, Butlerville, IN 47223 or


Policy Report o­n 2002 Farm Bill Programs

The Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) has published a critical evaluation of progress to date in implementing the conservation provisions of the 2002 Farm Bill. Although much has been accomplished since the Farm Bill was enacted, realization of potential benefits from new and existing conservation programs requires action by policy makers, e.g. adequate funding, improvements to the technical services infrastructure, reforms to enhance environmental management, and expansion of the Conservation Security Program. View the report, “Realizing the Promise of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002,” via the link above or contact to request a printed copy.


Online Guide to Direct Marketing

Direct marketing, long used successfully by small growers, can also be a lucrative marketing channel for those producing value-added agroforests and nontimber products. More and more growers, seeing the benefits of, want to learn about. The Direct Marketing Resource Guides has annotated listings of useful information resources such as print publications, videos, and Web pages that will inform growers of successful strategies and techniques.




Thanks to the following correspondents and sources for the information they contributed this month: Agroforestry Research Trust, SAREP, SWCS, and the Walnut Council.




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