State Government Activities

Governor Announces New 20X10 Initiative - State to Lead By Example, Accepts Climate Change Report and Joins Western Climate Initiative

Governor Schweitzer's 20X10 Initiative - Leading by Example
The Governor's Initiative - 20X10 asks state agencies to reduce their energy consumption by 20% by the year 2010.

"Every agency will get to the goal in its own way," said Governor Schweitzer. "I have confidence that they will get there and I hope folks across the state will join the effort in their communities as well. This is not only the right thing to do but it also has huge cost saving potential for the taxpayers. This makes government more efficient."

While much of the reduction will come from a reduction in the use of utilities, Governor Schweitzer is also asking agencies to apply a Montana CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) standard and move state vehicle fleets to achieve an average of 30 miles per gallon or better. "With the exception of industrial vehicles and pickups needed for state work, many of the vehicles in the state fleet could be more efficient."

Governor Schweitzer also encouraged schools, universities, business and communities to join in the effort, saying "Montana will lead by example and Montana will make a difference."


Climate Change Report
Governor Schweitzer was also presented the Climate Change Report today. The report was put together by the Climate Change Advisory Committee.

"I want to thank all the folks who worked so hard on this report," said Governor Schweitzer. "It is a monumental task to look at all the avenues and the council did an excellent job."

Some of the recommendations can be implemented immediately, such as joining the Western Climate Initiative, and developing and exploiting opportunities for terrestrial carbon sequestration. Some of the recommendations in the report will require legislation and some will require further study. The summary and full report are available online at:


Western Climate Initiative
Governor Schweitzer also announced that Montana will be joining the Western Climate Initiative.
The Western Climate Initiative is a collaboration launched in February 2007 between the Governors of several western states to meet regional challenges raised by climate change. WCI is identifying, evaluating and implementing collective and cooperative ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the region. More information can be found at:

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