Project Partners

The Montana Climate Action Project Partners represent a diverse set of groups working together to saturate Montana with messages from many different places by many different people but with a common message about the global warming crisis and the need to act. All of our partner organizations are committed to working together to communicate the urgency and solvability of the climate crisis and to start mobilizing demand for its solutions. By engaging farmers and ranchers, senior citizens, birders, hunters and anglers, conservationists, legislators, community leaders, rural people, river advocates, business owners and working families to learn about the climate crisis, we will inspire them to take action as individuals and to demand meaningful solutions from political, community and business leaders to move Montana into the forefront of climate change progress.


Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO)
AERO is a membership driven, Montana-based grassroots organization dedicated to building communities by linking people, sustainable agriculture and renewable energy. AERO works with municipalities, county commissioners, state and federal policy makers and administrators, schools, and other institutional leaders to move their social change agenda forward.

Clark Fork Coalition
The Clark Fork Coalition is dedicated to protecting and restoring the Clark Fork River basin, a 22,000-square-mile area draining western Montana and northern Idaho. The Clark Fork Coalition's methods are science-based and results-oriented, with an emphasis on public eduction through energetic advocacy at the community level.

Corporation for the Northern Rockies (CNR)
The Corporation for the Northern Rockies is a sustainable development nonprofit whose mission is to advance sustainable choices that enhance economic opportunities and preserve Western lands and quality of life. CNR accomplishes this by building connections among innovative people to sustain the integrity and health of our natural resources and rural economy by advancing the practice of sustainsable choices and sustainble stewardship techniques that protect our landscapes, climate, resources, and wildlife.

Montana Audubon
The mission of Montana Audubon is to promote appreciation, knowledge and conservation of native birds, other wildlife, and their habitats. Founded in 1976, Montana Audubon has steadily built effective programs in public policy, education, and scientific research to serve its grassroots constituency.

Montana Environmental Information Center (MEIC)
MEIC is a member-supported 501(c)(3) education and advocacy organization founded in 1973 to protect and restore Montana's natural environment. MEIC's accomplishments and experience have earned it the reputation of being Montana's leading state government-focused advocate, and the leading group promoting progress in environmental policy pertaining to energy policy and global warming, air quality, water quality, land use and state land management, and environmental policy.

Montana Organic Association (MOA)
MOA is a statewide, 501(c)(6) non-profit organization dedicated to advocating and promoting organic agriculture for the highest good of the people, the environment and the state economy. MOA works pro-actively to promote a robust National Organic Program that strengthens family farms through meaningful and coherent regulations and educates consumers (and others) about organic standards to help them make informed food choices.

Montana Senior Citizen Association (MSCA)
The Montana Senior Citizens Association is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization formed in 1973 to give seniors an organization they can speak through and that can speak for them, on any matters they may bring forward. MSCA is also in partnership with Missoula Aging Services and other Area Agencies providing a free program called Advocates in Medicare Savings or AIM$. MSCA has about 1,300 members statewide.

Montana Wildlife Federation (MWF)
Founded in 1936, MWF is Montana's oldest, largest and most effective conservation organization, dedicated to protecting and enhancing Montana's public wildlife, lands, waters, and fair-chase hunting and fishing heritage. MWF includes a network of diverse citizens united in a common appreciation for wildlife and conservation. Consisting mostly of hunters and anglers, the members of MWF tend to lean more on the "conservative" side. As a result, the organization is very effective at influencing policy on the state and federal level.

The National Center for Appropriate Technology
NCAT is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to help people by promoting small-scale, local and sustainable solutions to reduce poverty, promote healthy communities and protect natural resources. NCAT has a staff of 60 including sustainable agriculture specialists, renewable energy engineers and energy specialists, farm energy specialists, technical writers, editors, web and computer specialists and community organizing staff. NCAT routinely connects to a broad range of audiences and partners due to the collaborative project work they do.

National Parks Conservation Association
Founded in 1919, the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and its 340,000 members are committed to protecting and enhancing our national parks for current and future generations. NPCA is committed to restoring healthy air, thriving ecosystems, and scenic values to our national parks. NPCA supports decisive action at the local, state, and national levels that protect the integrity of our national parks by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and climate change impacts.

The Policy Institute
The Policy Institute works to move public sentiment and change public policy to reflect values of equailty, justice, and opportunity through analysis of issues and leadership development in progressive initiatives. The Institute also has ongoing, working relationships with Montana legislators and policy leaders in the arenas of energy, taxation, and corporate reform.

Sage Mountain Center
Sage Mountain Center is an award-winning business in Whitehall, Montana, whose mission is to promote sustainable living through demonstration and education in renewable energy, eco-building, and conservation through workshops, tours, consultations and seminars in Montana. The goal of the Sage Mountain Center is to engage the public, those who might not otherwise be participating in environmental action, through free public lectures, workshops, open house tours of its demonstration facility, and personal consultations.

Sustainable Obtainable Solutions (SOS)
SOS works to ensure the sustainability of public lands and of the plant, animal and human communities that depend on them. SOS educates the public on how to choose actions and lifestyles that promote their quality of life by sustaining public lands, a source of clean water, clean air and fulfilling experiences in nature.

Yellowstone-Teton Clean Energy Coalition
The Yellowstone-Teton Clean Energy Coalition is a 501(c)(3) organization that serves the greater Yellowstone region in Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. Its mission is to decrease and displace the use of petroleum in transportation, improve air quality through reduced harmful emissions and improve U.S. energy security.


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