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Optical Probes for Imaging Single Molecules

fluorescent image of image of single molecules of cholesterol oxidase

Probe tip used to image single molecules
Fluorescent image of single molecules of cholesterol oxidase and probe tip used to image single molecules.

With conventional optics, scientists can image an area no smaller than one-half of the wavelength of light being used. But scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory found a way to deliver light energy to areas much smaller than its wavelength. During the 1990s, Sunney Xie, Peter Lu, and coworkers developed a near-field optical imaging technique that provides spectral information about the interaction of single molecules with surfaces, making it possible to study, for example, the dynamic behaviors of proteins in real time on the microsecond time scale. Similar research tools, such as optical tweezers and atomic force microscopy, provide spatial and structural information with sub-nanometer resolution, but not the spectral information that is vital for understanding the chemical properties of molecules and other sub-nanometer structures. Near-field optical probes enable the study of individual molecules in their own environments, providing new insights into the nature of reactions in natural systems.

Scientific Impact: This technique has proven very helpful for studying reactions of biological molecules and other condensed phase processes in natural systems. Many such processes cannot be understood without some means, such as optical probes, of resolving the effects of time- and geometry-dependent perturbations.

Social Impact: This instrumentation is being used to elucidate the biological effects of chemical and radiation exposure and thus may help improve human health. It also may contribute to new ways of using natural enzymes in the remediation of contaminated soils and groundwater, and to the development of nanoscale electro-optical devices.

Reference: Xie, X. Sunney. "Single-Molecule Spectroscopy and Dynamics at Room Temperature," Accounts of Chemical Research, 29, 598 (1996).

Xie, X. Sunney; Lu, H. Peter, "Single-Molecule Enzymology," Journal of Biological Chemistry 274, 15967 (1999).


Technical Contact: Dr. Roland Hirsch, Medical Sciences Division, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, 301-903-9009

Press Contact: Jeff Sherwood, DOE Office of Public Affairs, 202-586-5806

SC-Funding Office: Office of Biological and Environmental Research
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